Here it is just barely past midnight so the start of Tuesday has arrived. Looks like the next 5 hours or so may be productive time, trying to complete a more comprehensive and a bit more in depth research for my next squidoo lens...at this point this will either make number 6 or 7 or 8...can't remember at the moment. I do plan on getting at least 50 more out there over the next two months in addition to finishing the book...so don't think me poor, lonely and bored. LOL. I'm just underfunded, living a quiet life, staying very busy...doing projects that are enjoyable though sometimes tedious.
Each article I learn a bit more that helps simplify the publication and very very gradually learning a bit more how to maximize the potential income from each article. That part will be my "tweaking" after I get the articles out there. There are some interesting "smart" ways to go about the article subjects selected...that part I'm leaving mostly up to my editor to decide for me and help me have a list to choose one of my interest.
My little tree monkey in the picture isn't feeling too good, low grade fever past couple days, she may be getting into the doctor today and since school is out Thursday and Friday anyhow...I'm hoping she'll just park it over here in her comfortable bed or on the couch and spend the rest of the week getting well.
That picture and the following one of her cutting firewood (and yes she followed the safety instructions very very conscientiously and cut several good size logs for the campfire), are from our campout about a month or so ago...guess it was in August..wow time flies. Anyhow...Good morning to you and may your day be enjoyed.

Tree Monkeys in Okieland- Awesome. Great pics and looks like a great weekend doing a woodsy.
terrific memory maker
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