Friday, October 02, 2009

Early Friday Morning in October

Too dark still to see the weather but nicely nippy out. Today is set up to be a great day. The long awaited culmination of paperwork and effort towards filing VA happens today. Then since little Grace Kelly is out of school for parent-teacher conferences I should be picking her up at 1pm for a great weekend. She may win the checker match this time...for an 8 year old, she plays a really challenging game ! It is day 2 of my 60 day beer challenge, doesn't look like it is going to be a problem unless somewhere down the road I just forget. Day one I only missed it "for breakfast" and "with supper". But not so much "with supper" because I had pancakes and the sweet syrup kind of doesn't go well with a glass of beer anyway.

Saw that I missed 3 calls from my older brother last night, hate when that happens...sometimes it seems we're on different schedules, I think I'm getting up about the time he's going to sleep...LOL should I call him back NOW? Only if I wanted to talk to an answering machine. Oh, for those more this generation that would be "voice mailbox".

Filled out this big long credit application just in case I won the camper I bid on on ebay...put in the amount I wanted to finance at the bottom and it popped up a note that they don't loan less than 7500...uggh...why didn't they do that before!!!
That is way more than I'm bidding...about double! Doubt they would loan that much and I'm sure I don't want to owe that much...LOL. Hit the x in the corner.

Guess I had better get around and get my day started. Hope all is well for all of you.


Marbella said...

Good continuing luck on your challenge. One question you might want to consider in the mean time is "can you handle the truth"? This is the most pertinent question you will have to deal with. Without having an addiction, alcohol can still be a "problem" if any of the following events have occurred, DUI, problems in relationships, etc. Know that you have our total support in your efforts.

Ger said...

So far day 2 hasn't been much different than day 1...I miss the flavor but there isn't any physical dependency issues popping up. The 60 day challenge probably be no problem since the first couple haven't been. So my main benefit of the challenge may just be penance and awareness..LOL.