Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sunday morning 3am

Actually I got home at a decent hour last night but about midnight when all good boys and girls should be asleep...those that are 18 seem to find a way to run out for a quick drive and end up off the road in a ditch. Well, he did get it back up to the shoulder but one tire wasn't seated on the rim anymore. Phone rings.

I'm thinking, what in tarnation was he doing out at that time of night anyhow...when I saw him last around 8pm he was headed home for bed. Mrs. Beans reminds me as I head out the door on the rescue mission that this IS actually a major reason we're taking time off. "Yeah, you're right, I'll be back after while". After a trip out there to inspect the situation I find he is ok, and the car appears ok, just a quick tire change and all is well.

Turns out there is no lug wrench in that car or mine that will back into town to walmart to buy a 4-way...then all the way back out to get-er-done. The doughnut was in good shape but only had 30# air, so I aired it up to the required 60# and sent him slowly home...while I finished putting away the tools and headed off to home myself. Walking in finally at 3am.

Hopefully in about 6 hours I'll be up and headed to church. But since Ayla of the Clan moved her blog from myspace to blogger I thought I'd update my links and write a few lines. Saturday was a great day. And so far Sunday has actually been pretty decent...just had to work a little harder than I thought.

Have you ever seen cockroaches just out on the shoulder of a highway? They were all over the place out there! Weird, no houses/people around for miles...I suppose the light drew them or scurried them or something but changing that tire wouldn't have been nearly as aggravating if I hadn't had to swat squash smash and squish those hideous creatures while I worked. I've never heard of them being outside in the wild like that.

Research revealed..Q: What are roaches good for?A: Not much inside a human home. But in the wild they are an important part of the chain of decomposers that recycle animal and vegetable matter back into the soil. Some roaches are important pollinators for certain plants and they also serve as an important food source for reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and various mammals and insects.

Enough education for this late/early hour. I'm going to bed.


Marbella said...

hmmm, wasn't home for curfew eh? Thanks for such a fun time yesterday.

emc said...

In Thailand they stuff roaches with rice, kind of like an asian tamale. Probably wouldn't bother ya as much if you saw them as free snack food now would it? ;-)

emc said...

Crispy Cajun Cockroach Recipe

Ger said...

Given the choice I would rather eat them than them eat me...but I'm opting for the squash em and leave em there as food for some other varmit.