Thursday, July 13, 2006

War, Fish Oil, Red Buttons, Wasps

Not much news in that really, in response to rocket attacks against Israel and the abduction of one of their soldiers Isreal declared war on Lebanon. Syria and Iran use those poor people like puppets in their hate filled death oriented purpose for living. But the escalation begins. How long till Syria, Iran, and Palestine join with North Korea all on one team, on the other side we'll have the USA, England, Israel, Japan...and then as usual..the French will be cursing us till North Korea turns on them..then they'll be squealing like a stuck pig for help. Who knows which side China will land on. Well thats about all I care to say about world events.

Comedian and Actor Aaron Chwatt , aka. "Red Buttons" died today at 87 years old.

The Fish Oil I've been taking is from Wal-Mart, "Spring Valley" brand "Enteric Coated" 1000 mg. 60 softgels in a bottle. Looked like they did ok in the free part of the consumer report (even though that was the 1200 mg tested). I've only been taking one a day...but its supposed to be 3x a day. I almost immediately noticed I started dreaming at night again, and that is with just 1000mg.
so I'm pretty sure its doing I might just bump it on up to 2 or 3x a day to see if any other results are actually noticeable. Mr. K had a very informative link in the comments on the last blog. I was amazed at how many things that fish oil is good for.

Well they say it was 106 degrees farenheit today....(record was 107 in 1930). Fortunately I only went out in it once today, and that was to see how hard it would be to remove one of the windows and put in a smaller one then match the siding up. Usually not too rough a job but not something I would want to do today! I remember digging a grave in a dry California town, it was 113 degrees, and I had been out in that all day...and it really didn't seem too rough on me that way. The hard part about dealing with high temps is having an air conditioner...and the option to stay in.

While I was out there I noticed a massive red wasp nest being actively worked at by what would probably count to 70-100 it clings to the eaves. Now in the past I've left some of those alone and found them very interesting works...which if you looked at them architectually/engineering wise...its pretty awesome stuff. But when they start getting THAT big...I'll probably be out there early in the morning when their stiff little joints can't quite move as fast...with a can of commercial grade industrial wasp and hornet killer...shoots a pretty good stream. (And if it doesn't work out well, they'll probably use parts of me in their construction).


Anonymous said...

I would hope we would not fall on the side of Israel, they have proven to be some of the most insidious of terrorist. They have stolen land and then attacked the residents, reminds me of early US tactics against the Native Americans...

Be sure to get the wasp spray the shoots 10-15 feet, if you have any left it is really cool to shoot across the top of a lit candle. Makes a heck of a home grown flame througher!

Ger said...

Interesting news on the flame thrower..LOL...(but you might definitely want to do a little research on your Israel history, and you sure don't want to do it on any site that believes that Gore Crap about global warming).