Well, first things first...The shop needed cleaned up before starting a project like that of course. (It really really did). So since I was going to be working in the shop it was a good time to get caught up on burning trash, especially since Mrs. Beans had been very busy in the front room clearing, sorting and throwing away, so all together I had probably a half a pickup load of trash to burn. So back and forth I'd be checking on the fire and adding more to it..and organizing and cleaning out the shop and getting the worktable ready.
The section of the bookcase I needed to finish was 46x82 so it was going to need the whole table to be uncluttered and made ready. Finally got ready to start...determined to cross this booger off the list, and I realized that it was almost 6pm and I hadn't eaten all day. Wow was it nice to walk in the door and hear the words "You hungry? Suppers ready." Steamed rice, with shredded up chicken and lots of vegetables all mixed together...YUMMY.

What a beautiful morning...I know I've gotta go get cleaned up and take a nap but when I wake up probably around noon...I'll have that bookcase crossed off the list, and a clean shop...and the trash burning all caught up... Sure looks like its going to be a good day.
I hope young Sam had a successful first day (ever) to have a full time job. Got a chance to visit with him just a bit before he went in, unfortunately he was struggling with the South pole of the Bipolar but he knew thats what was going on inside...It appears the current regime of medications is keeping the northpole in check well enough, but its not keeping him away from that south pole. May be awhile before he can stick around the equator. Turns out too they didn't fix that back tire good so its still losing air. Hope he gets that fixed and gets to the doc about his prescription refill this morning. Hmm, bet my phone starts ringing in a few hours so guess I'd better get this wrapped up.
Sounds like wolf has fallen so far off the wagon again he's once again without wheels and soon/already without a roof. Figure I'll hear today whether the state is going to give him one of those free room and board deals...(where ya don't have to worry about locking up at night, they take care of that for ya)...or whether he will end up in another treatment program...or whether he will be headed here in need of a tent site (and a tent).
Oh well, who knows...but what I do know is...THAT BOOKCASE IS DONE!! It was enjoyable building it...but I'm really glad to have it done. We get little Grace Kelly early in the morning and keep her till Monday. Looking forward to that, so probably will mostly just rest today...hope to get over to ma's for a visit and a swim later on. Its time to mow again too, and thats easier done before littluns visit.
...If I did my math right North Korea is 46,540 square miles. (Oklahoma is 69956 square miles)( NK Population: 22,541,000 ...Oklahoma Population (1994): 3,258,000 but adding in the old census count for texas Population: 20,851,820. WHAT IS IT WITH THESE MIDGETS WITH THE RULE THE WORLD MENTALITY!!!)
Awesome job on the bookcase!!
I am impressed with the bookcase, wonderful job, do you hire out? hee hee
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