Saturday, June 24, 2006


...from inside the next storage room to mine broke thru the wall into mine and trashed the place. Finding anything that looked like it might have a treasure, especially wooden boxes, emptying them out and rummaging thru at will. Obviously kids, since things that were of obvious quick sell value weren't bothered, and at this point its hard to tell what they actually took, but keepsakes that were broken and damaged in their thrashing about were pretty quickly identified. Apparently it took place between February and April. The room they entered from was just rented out to a business in May...and these new tenants said they saw the holes and just put cardboard over them, but didn't bother reporting it. Hmmm, guess they don't mind catching the blame for the wall torn up in their room when they check out. Anyhow it was either the previous tenant, or they didn't lock it up between tenants...I should find out more Monday.

First my house in California was burglarized in broad daylight, then my house in Oklahoma was broken into and partied in and rummage thru and whatever they wanted they took, and now my sacred cave has been broken into. It becomes tiresome. I know the scriptures teach not to lay up treasure on earth where theives break in and steal, so its a reality of life...but it wearys my soul. Maybe at some point in the next several years I'll be able to get everything stored neatly in one place and then deeply intensify the security. The crazy part is...the stuff I have isn't valuable in the monetary sense...but the invasion of privacy is icky. I would prefer not to have to build booby traps and bar windows and beef up alarm systems...but it appears thats the price of peace of mind in this area.

On the positive note...I was able to go to my grandaughters 2cnd birthday party. That was a hoot. She was enjoying sitting in the sandbox, swinging, playing football with the older relatives, running around with balloons...and seeing if she could get to the road before being intercepted. Its interesting to watch much passion, determination. One of her gifts included a locking box...within 5 minutes she figured out how to insert the key, turn it, and open the box.

Another positive...the lawn is starting to show signs of green..that nitrogen treatment just before the rain seems to have helped. And Mew will be glad to know...I FOUND my long barrell pistol so whenever he comes back to turtle shoot, I'll be ready. I think me and "Grace Kelly" (little blondie) may head down to the pond and see if we can shoot at some of them.

Well...theres a glimpse into my Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes me madder than theft or vandalism. I guess of the two, I could accept theft the best. At least it might serve a purpose to someone but vandalism is just plain mean and evil.