Sunday, June 11, 2006

There I was in Reeseville Wisconsin, about 6am but my appointment was for much later. So I quickly scan my notebook and call the phone number I've got and ..GREAT! They are there and I can meet them early. Just go to the office by door 9. After driving throughout the whole complex...and seeing doors numbered almost in random order..there doesn't appear to be a door 9, they skipped that. I call the guy back, "Hey, I'm right under the watertower...where is door 9 from here?" Well that confused him so he said he would walk out into the compound and meet me. After a considerable wait, and some further research, I discovered the number I called was in new mexico..and uh..while that guy was out looking around the compound...we were , uh, at a closed facility in Wisconsin.

That started the day, and the rest of the day...well lead to a long delay of postings..LOL..So finally we just came home for awhile. So here I am taking a moment from our refuge hideaway to just say hello. Sam is still in the hospital and it really doesn't seem to be helping him at can you prescribe "humility" and "respect"? Don't think they make pills for that. Wolf...well, there hasn't been much word from wolf and thats probably a good thing if the treatment is that a whole lifetime pattern to wrestle with. Then our friend and kin we always called "90" had a big section of an aorta tube disintigrate and virtually collapse, allowing the blood to filter thru its walls into the body...survived all kinds of nasty odds this week and so far has pulled thru well. Ya just don't think about that kind of stuff in people that are not even 50. Yet I think the impact on his folks is still cascading.

As soon as we got home and while I was unloading the car, our "all her life inside" cat decided to make a mad dash for the outside, and she has stayed out in the wild now 3 days...refuses to come near. I sit here in this air conditioned house, look over at her food and water and look out at the roaming large neighborhood dogs and, food, water, comfort...its all here for ya ms. josephine...but you're too dang weirded out in your head to take advantage of she stays out their in the tick infested grass, diving under the shed when the enemy comes..course there is already a rabbit and an armadillo living under that shed for the same reason, so maybe she's got some new friends. Reminds me of a teenager that would rather do the same...than comply with a simple curfew...or some other tenant of control vs. freedom that the brain hangs on.

1 comment:

emc said...

I can think of a few ways that may be useful for Sam to learn this. But they don't involve contracts or tightening down the clamps which, IMHO is destined to fail, and fail decisively.

If the military is not an option now, the other options I'd explore are programs that get him out of the environment and triggers into something new and constructive on different levels. Something like the Habitat project that takes volunteers with little to no experience and gives them room and board on 1-6 month projects building homes for the poor. Or a reputable wildness program that takes young adults out in the wild and teaches them teamwork and self-reliance while learning survival skills with the original mother nature. Many other options exist along these lines of thought, which is a different line of thought than "more of the same" to whip him into shape.

Just some idears. ;-) I wish I was at the stage in life where I could offer such to those like Wolf and Sam, dragging them into the outback for a month or two and getting them back into the elements paved over in our synthetic worlds.