Friday, June 30, 2006


Well...I don't know how accurate it is but it was a fun test...these were my results...the link at the end should give you the chance to take it.

Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.

Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Trait snapshot:

rarely irritated, positive, tough, non phobic, fearless, likes the unknown, self reliant, high self control, confident, trusting, strong instincts, prudent, optimistic, willful, likes parties, prefers a specialized career, takes charge, altruistic, strong, high self concept, adventurous, practical, thoughtful

Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test

Monday, June 26, 2006


Finally got the yard mowed (with a push mower since the blades on the riding mower need sharpening). Trimmed the hedge, burned the big pile of limbs in the drive, got some paperwork done, yard is starting to look much better. Took little "Grace Kelly" to the pond to let her shoot a pistol, she didn't like how loud it was. Picked up the mail and prescriptions. Not bad for a day that didn't get started till nearly noon. The day seemed slow and easy, but the month is flying by! Meanwhile Warren Buffett gives away 37.1 billion dollars, this wasn't his entire networth...just "cash" that he was burdened with finding appropriate investments for.

Not too much personal news today so I'll divert to something in school called "current events" that I thought was interesting. This is just some of the stuff I found interesting out of quite a few articles I reviewed about Warren Buffett today

How did he make that kind of money? Quick in the stock market. His philosophy/mentor/foundation of thinking can be learned from reading Benjamin Graham's books like "The Intelligent Investor" which reinforced the importance of value investing and going after stocks that are undervalued , so he doesn't go for the stuff like internet dotcom he goes for the Coca-Colas, even today. Since he was rejected from Harvard , Buffett studied Economics at New York's Columbia University, to learn from his idol Graham, and eventually become his protégé. Working with Graham as his mentor turned out to be a life-altering decision.

His portfolio is filled up with stocks in solid companies that were undervalued, and inexpensive at the time. By sticking with companies such as Coca-Cola, American Express, Gillette, The Washington Post Company, Wells Fargo and Company, Sees Candy, Benjamin Moore & Co., GEICO Direct , General & Cologne Re Group, and Dairy Queen. , ...companies with solid brand names rather than the latest Wall Street trend, he has become one of the wealthiest men in the United States.

In a news conference he did warn about the overvalued real estate and that pharmaceutical stocks are in a state of flux and too hard to predict , & that GM and Ford face severe trouble over pension and health costs.

One thing I got from his speech was pretty basic, if you are spending even a small percent each year more than you produce.."that scenario can't end well."

On investments right now he said..."If you had to make a choice between long-term bonds at around 4.5 percent and equities for the next 20 years, I would certainly prefer equities. But if people think they can earn more than 6-7 percent a year, they're making a big mistake. I don't think we're in bubble-type valuations in equities -- or anywhere close to bargain valuations. If you told me I had to go away for 20 years, I would rather take an index fund over long-term bonds. You'll get a chance to do something extremely intelligent with your money in the next few years. But right now there doesn't seem to be a clear enough direction to conclude anything dramatic."

A quote for the day...

On the urgency of fixing problems NOW before bad things happen, I like what his vice chairman Charles Munger said "...Some people seem to think there's no trouble just because it hasn't happened yet. If you jump out the window at the 42nd floor and you're still doing fine as you pass the 27th floor, that doesn't mean you don't have a serious problem..."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Got Hay?

One of the important things to work on in life is to develop income producers besides your back/mind. (Ie..rental property, vending machines, cd's or stocks 401k, etc...) There is a book called "the richest man in babylon" that ought to be required reading in high school that deals with some of this kind of thinking but in essence if it is followed a plain ole working man can be independently wealthy at an early retirement age if the principles are followed.

Decades ago I sold life insurance with cash values and retirement plans. One of the coolest advertisements I remember us ever having showed an old man going out to his mailbox and pulling out envelopes of money he had mailed to himself years past...and the caption was something to the effect.."the only thing thats going to be there, when you get what you send up ahead". I love that. That saying frequents my thoughts on occasion even all these years later.

No way do I remember what I was searching for in google one day, but I ran upon a page of stuff by someone called "sarpy sam", it appears he is a rancher up in montana somewhere. One of the things in his notes was this note and picture...

"I've been putting up hay like mad the last couple of weeks so I thought I would look back and see the purpose of what I am doing."

the caption was "Feeding the cows thier hay during a nasty snow storm. Taken 12/29/2005."

Pretty wise thinking..I like that...If you've ever messed with hauling hay, you're probably well aware of how a picture like that might be a much needed boost. What would you think of a rancher who watched his cattle grazing in the summer and thought ...ahhh..all is well, they can fend for themselves I go to play. Then the hard stretches of winter came and he was going from ranch to ranch begging for hay, and writing his congressman?

Thats one wonderful thing about the hard times in life, take good clear snapshots in your mind...then when "summer comes" ...refer back to those pictures and "getter done".

(The same seems to apply in relationships and in your spiritual life as well) The concept here is...Take good "pictures" during hard/lean times. When the going is good, put out the effort to get ready for winter. Manage wisely.

What is something like this doing on a journal type blog? Its a part of how I think...a brick in the building of my life. Hope it inspires you so much you're reaching for a pen, a pad, and a hanky. Ya ya ya ya ya,
Have a good week. Got hay?

Saturday, June 24, 2006


...from inside the next storage room to mine broke thru the wall into mine and trashed the place. Finding anything that looked like it might have a treasure, especially wooden boxes, emptying them out and rummaging thru at will. Obviously kids, since things that were of obvious quick sell value weren't bothered, and at this point its hard to tell what they actually took, but keepsakes that were broken and damaged in their thrashing about were pretty quickly identified. Apparently it took place between February and April. The room they entered from was just rented out to a business in May...and these new tenants said they saw the holes and just put cardboard over them, but didn't bother reporting it. Hmmm, guess they don't mind catching the blame for the wall torn up in their room when they check out. Anyhow it was either the previous tenant, or they didn't lock it up between tenants...I should find out more Monday.

First my house in California was burglarized in broad daylight, then my house in Oklahoma was broken into and partied in and rummage thru and whatever they wanted they took, and now my sacred cave has been broken into. It becomes tiresome. I know the scriptures teach not to lay up treasure on earth where theives break in and steal, so its a reality of life...but it wearys my soul. Maybe at some point in the next several years I'll be able to get everything stored neatly in one place and then deeply intensify the security. The crazy part is...the stuff I have isn't valuable in the monetary sense...but the invasion of privacy is icky. I would prefer not to have to build booby traps and bar windows and beef up alarm systems...but it appears thats the price of peace of mind in this area.

On the positive note...I was able to go to my grandaughters 2cnd birthday party. That was a hoot. She was enjoying sitting in the sandbox, swinging, playing football with the older relatives, running around with balloons...and seeing if she could get to the road before being intercepted. Its interesting to watch much passion, determination. One of her gifts included a locking box...within 5 minutes she figured out how to insert the key, turn it, and open the box.

Another positive...the lawn is starting to show signs of green..that nitrogen treatment just before the rain seems to have helped. And Mew will be glad to know...I FOUND my long barrell pistol so whenever he comes back to turtle shoot, I'll be ready. I think me and "Grace Kelly" (little blondie) may head down to the pond and see if we can shoot at some of them.

Well...theres a glimpse into my Saturday.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Hey, its MY cake, I don't NEED a fork
 Posted by Picasa


And I know her mama is being paid back in full. Whether the world is ready for this ornery bug to growup really isn't her concern...

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MAY 2006 Zoo trip a chance to watch as my little blondie just walked up to a total stranger and started discussing with her where the monkeys were to be found. She whips out her map, and they get busy pointing and discussing, and trying to convince each other of their different opinions on what that map reveals. (It looks like they've even confused the bear)
Yeah! It rained! Couldn't have timed it much better, just applied fertilizer and tick poison all over the yard..but it needed melted in to work. After moving my little sprinkler to about its 5th position for a couple hours in each came a gully washer that we really needed, so I could shut off the expensive water faucet.

Haven't posted in awhile, been busy mostly mowing grass and trimming trees, and taking care of odds and ends. Its been nice having a little time to get caught up on stuff. Crazy part is...stuff that was important to me and enjoyable to do...isn't really journal material. LOL..

Watched 13th warrior last night, it was good. Watched "the quick and the dead" was entertaining. "Sleepers" was good...but according to todays news stories sexual abuse in prisons is more reality than fiction. That really chaps my hide, I have no problem modifying the laws for certain crimes to include torture but if that isn't a part of the sentence...these guards that abuse prisoners are betraying our trust, and taking advantage of people/hurting people when they are in one of their lowest/weakest points in life. Its just a big way. I really believe their punishment in the afterlife will be beyond horrid.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I want an extension on my earth visa.

Monday. Todays "done list"...Built one of those 25 compartment organizers from Home Depot, looks like its for shoes but its really just to help us get organized. Temporarily repaired the drain line for the house ac, its a weird size pipe I'll have to probably get my calipers out to get something that will fit on it! Watched a few bags of trash burn..(can't say I did the burning, never know nowadays if a "burn ban" is in effect...and I don't want to lose my right to take the fifth). Ran a much needed defrag on this computer, and then got caught up on windows updates. Bought a small sprinkler and put it to work watering some small parts of the yard that hadn't been hit yet. Normally I just let the rain do the watering, but lately it hasn't been doing too good of a job of that..and since I'm home for a short bit, might as well take care of it.

Finally finished up caulking in the window AC in the upstairs bedroom, (meant to paint the wood enclosure I made to install it but had to let the caulking set up a couple hours and sheesh, by then I moved on and forgot it.)Did some research on a job change we're contemplating. Oh wow, just remembered I've got some film developed at wal mart that I forgot to pick up. Caught a deer tick and sliced it in halves.

Did alot of research on lawn care...found out the ideal time to water is NOT after the sun goes down...the water stays on the blades of grass too long and encourages disease. The best time is more like 5-10am so it can soak in before it gets hot but then the sun can dry the blades..its the roots you want to water anyway. Sounds like its best to only water about once a week, and make it a pretty good soaking (set a tuna can or something out there and it should have an inch or two of water in it when done). They also said dull lawn mower blades are bad cause they rip the grass and make it weaker and more disease prone.

Then there was a bunch of stuff about testing the soil and determining what kind of fertilizers and how much...course this being pretty droughtlike here, not a good time to do anything heavy in that department. But I'm planning to get a little ammonia nitrate or something similar and put about 2# per 1000 sq. feet out...maybe in a couple days...going to go ahead and mix it up with the tick and bug poison and spread it out there early one morning then water it in with about 1/2 an inch of water right away. Well, Mrs. Beans didn't act all that interested either if you want someone to relate to!!, but as for I came away from my learnin session powerfully excited...always enjoy learning stuff, especially useful stuff.

You know how some people just seem to find nothing but trouble, and some people seem to just have that midas touch where everything they touch turns into mufflers (or was that money?) ...Well, I've had a knack ALL my life of Finding the INTERESTING AND EXCITING stuff thats out there just waiting to be realized...and then unable to contain it, I've just poured it out (or further questions out) on whoever happened to be trapped in my environment. (Poor Aunt KJ). When staying at Grandma and Grandpa's for a couple weeks as a lad, being an early riser, I'd wake up about 530am or so and lay still in bed till I heard Grandma treading softly into the kitchen. I always thought it was so she wouldn't wake me..but didn't really comprehend that that wasn't just for my sake. By the top of every morning then and for the most part now...I was excited about the day and had a million things to talk about, I remember her facing the stove the whole time and saying "well I'll be" and "you don't say" and "uh huh, well I'll be"...alot, ALOT...and I'm not sure it always "fit" as a response.

There are just too many amazing things in life, I've only with great reluctance started accepting that there is no possible way I can have my visa here extended long enough to learn all that I truly yearn to know, do all that I have a great desire to do, figure out all that I want to figure out. My eyesight is steadily digressing, my hearing is really blocking out a bunch, my knees and feet are wearily worn and showing signs of early decay, my sense of smell is very numb, and it takes longer now to process thought and its more quickly YEAH, I've got to accept that there just is not enough time to soak it all up. So I've got to find my joy each day with all that I can reasonably soak up this day, and not expect to completely exhaust even any single subject/task *.

Today, another wonderful day, I live in awe of the marvels and mysteries and the Wisdom and Creativity of God. Poor Mrs. Beans...I think she's hiding upstairs wondering if I'm done sharing all the exciting lawn care stuff.

*(except of course...the annihilation of ticks)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wonderful "fathers day". Got alot of yardwork done, and that is something I enjoy. Ole Pirate Gem came by, with Mew in tow, enjoyed getting to visit with them and Mew took a survey of the land scoping out a potential place for an RV site...hope he found one to his satisfaction. Then he headed for the city to catch a flight home, but turns out his plane was way late leaving out so...he probably won't be home till after midnight. Poor guy. I tell ya, with airline security having all their "rules" nowadays...I've just ruled out flying as an option. Just doesn't exist. On 9/11 we lost our twin towers AND our airlines. In my thinking, flying just doesn't exist as an option anymore. Period. I know that only costs them a couple tickets a year, but till they get themselves under control and back into the real world...hope they all go bankrupt, and sooooon.

Jindian had us over for dinner and had some mighty good grubb layed out there for fathers day. Made it pretty special, even sent me home with a plate full of my favorite cookies (chocolate oatmeal cookies on one side, and peanut butter cookies on the other). Got a chance to visit with that ornery grandaughter, she still doesn't talk much around me...just laughs when I steal food from her hand. She did show me her favorite critter though...a small stuffed pig... She will turn 2 years old by the time July gets here. Sheesh, they sure have their work cut out for them, that littlun has alot of her ma, but I don't think they keep her quite as reeled in as her ma it should be interesting. LOL...

Oh yeah, Pirate Gem found a tick out here today, and layed it on the edge of the side of my pickup bed, took out his knife and beheaded it right in front of me, one more gone!! And more poisoning to follow. I tell ya, it is war. You don't even want to think about being an enemy if I'm in charge, its not pretty. I don't go for namby pamby control and check. Ticks are evil, and they've "crossed the line". So they must all be eliminated.

Saw another rabbit going under the shed out back, that makes two rabbits an armadillo and a cat living under there. Guess they all get along alright, seems like they would when i think about each of them's natures. I didn't win the lotto tonight, but then again...i didn't buy a ticket. Just booted up disc one of a 43 episode dvd pack of Twilight Zone, so will be saying so long for now. And Marble lady, if you're listening...get into the doc this're coloring isn't right, and they can do you some good, so pick up that phone and make the call. (please?).

Twilight zone is demanding more attention, hope its been a good day for all.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

TICKS are evil. This is recreated, I accidently deleted the original. Bummer, it was a masterpiece..probably the only one I'll ever create. But hey, we're back from a quick hard paced 36 hour run to iowa...walked in the door at 7am this morning and slept 7 hours and got we're just "kinda" back.

Wild Dancer called and he's coming up to visit tonight from Texas and bringing a friend. We've just been in long enough to pile the house down, not long enough to clean it up and get it presentable...which is really hard for me to cope with...but Mrs. Beans isn't really big on that kind of stuff so I'm just going to have to stretch my personality abit. ouch.

I have officially declared war on Ticks. So my research has begun, and alot of the information available about applying deet and even wearing light colored clothes (not so ticks can't see you...its so you can more easily see them) available and useful. But it isn't as encompassing as what I'm after...I want them destroyed, annhilated, irradicated...and NO NO NO ..if you are into protecting them as an endangered species FORGET the end if you've got the last 2 on the face of the better not let me know where you keep them. That's what HISTORY books are for, preserve them there. Research Research Research...lots to do, and maybe someday I'll be producing a book to inform and persuade you to join me. There are millions of them, but I've just got one I feel every hit but they seem oblivious and may even be laughing hysterically about their new enemy. Go ahead, laugh it up tick....I'm coming for you. As they use to say in some typing class years ago...(and they may have had ticks in mind at that time, who can tell for sure..) "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country".

I will be discovering what is known and knowable about everything from their mating habits to their achilles heel. Whether or not I speak of them much in future posts I don't know...but fear not, I will be making progress and so will probably at least update you a little.

Ticks are small insect-like animals that have jointed limbs and a hardened exoskeleton. All the stages of the lifecycle are blood-feeders. Ticks are not only important for their role as bloodsuckers, but also as vectors for disease (see Lyme disease section). They should not be confused with insects. They are wingless parasites with a cephalothorax. Adults and nymphs have 4 pairs of legs but larval ticks only have 3 pairs. The lifecycle consists of 4 stages: egg, larva, nymph, adult. Transition is accomplished by moulting of the skin. The entire cycle can be completed in a period as short as 6 weeks or as long as 2 years depending on the species. The female tick usually deposits her eggs on the ground. After hatching, the larvae will ascend various grasses and shrubs to come within easy reach of passing hosts. Ticks are very hardy and so can survive for long periods (up to 3 years) without food or water. Tick bites can result in a painful, slow healing wound at the bite site. Extensive inflammation and irritation may also result. They can also cause a human disease called tick paralysis. This is characterized by incoordination and collapse. Paralysis can occur 6 days after attachment. (

From an Australian site, ( ):To moult to the next stage, the larval tick must obtain a blood meal. In searching for a host, they display a behaviour referred to as 'questing'; whereby the tick climbs to the top of nearest vegetation and waves its forelegs to and fro slowly, hopefully contacting a prospective passing host...This questing behaviour is undertaken each time a host is required for blood. Ticks usually do not climb more than around 50cm in the vegetation and there is no evidence to suggest that they fall out of trees.

Once a suitable host is found, the larvae will blood feed for 4-6 days, drop from the host and moult to the eight-legged nymphal stage. Nymphs require a further blood meal for 4-8 days before moulting to the adult stage. Both female and male ticks quest for a host, but for different reasons; the female for a bloodmeal, the males to search the host for female ticks in order to mate and sometimes feed from them. Males may actually parasitise the female ticks by piercing their cuticle with their mouthparts to feed on her haemolymph (the tick's blood) and up to 3-4 males have been found feeding on one female tick. Male ticks rarely bloodfeed on a host. The adult female Paralysis tick will feed for up to around 10 days, drop off the host and lay eggs over several weeks. The entire life cycle of the Paralysis tick, involving 4 stages and 3 hosts, will take around a year to complete. Each life stage can be present throughout the year, although for the Paralysis tick, adults are more abundant in the spring and the early summer months, larvae in mid to late-summer, and nymphs during winter.

There are many types and variances, and this post isn't to completely cover the subject, I just want you to know that these evil creatures are definitely out there...and there is knowledge available, and I'm on it...THE WAR HAS BEGUN.

Now that being said, as gross as it actually is...I'm nonetheless hungry, so its off to the porch I go..time to grill up a steak or two and then use that side thingy to fry up a couple eggs. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

WOW, I finished reading that whole blog now, and all those "hopes" I had yesterday about Sam making the turn in his life, having it all under control, keeping the contract with his parents...By the time I finished reading that, I realized I was being shown some basic facts about what was to come...Sure the details will change..and I can always hope that by getting top notch psychiatric help and medication changes appropriate for bipolar, I can hope that Sam's story will be more consistently good for him...but my eyes are wide open now.

I think I'm going to have to prepare. Maybe prepare a very small place for him to live, and do away with most any rule except NO Company...(an earlier episode of his friends being nearby resulted in them foraging thru our house stealing what they chose to...we've since changed the access keys, and installed alarms and hidden camera's but still...NO COMPANY) but he can go where he chooses because other than that he will be living independently...And maybe if its small enough...that rule will kind of be a moot point. (I always think that should be "mute" point).

Cause If I've learned anything in return for staying up all night reading...its that he will return to self medicating and when he gets to the meth or xanax...especially with the alcohol...the imbalances are going to go hog wild again, and there is no stinking way he will be willing and able to keep the contract, or stay in a house with a parent/adult.

Time to put in a septic tank and buy a small shipping container. It won't keep him out of jail, but it will keep family disruptions and falling outs and all that usually torments others to a minimum. I knew I had some idea that his treatment thus far MIGHT not hold for good...but now its a pretty sure thing that we're not even going to get the rest of this month out of that deal.

Dang. Well, I've gotta make a quick run to Iowa and back so will catch up in a day or two.

Ya ya ya its almost 830am and I haven't been to bed yet. Yesterday took alot out of me, but I stumbled into somebody's blog that brought into light SO MUCH of what Sam has been dealing with that I had to just keep reading! I tell ya, if you know somebody that is bipolar...that blog will not only give you a compassionate insight into behaviour patterns associated with the illness...but it will give you compassion for the caregivers if ya got any empathy at all. Just start at the bottom and work your way up. Just click the link in this paragraph or you'll see it in the links to the right.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Darn near a full moon still. I've been looking forward to the full moon this month for the past couple weeks, why? Hmmm, couldn't really tell ya but if ya drive all over the country, full moons are always welcome, especially on some of those dark two lane roads. Plus..if you see the full moon..the weather aint too bad. It is only barely still Monday...I love a darn near full moon at a time that is darn near still Monday, that just makes for a fine night.

Sam got released from the hospital today, and so least as far as today is concerned he has made the right decision and accepted the terms and moved back home with the plans to work diligently to establishing a home of his own. I picked him up and had an hour and a half to try to guide him wisely. Its just really hard for teenagers to understand the implications of experience...I define experience as "been there done that" and to a wise man...the words of experience are priceless, but otherwise...words of experience are like Charlie Browns Teacher..bwah bwah blah bwah blah bwah....Maybe he will get started in actually building himself a life as he wants it...thats my goal in helping anyone...QUIT DESTROYING YOUR LIFE and build it the way you really want it! Make the plan, and make the sacrifices and DO the work that is needed to make your life the way you want it!! Sheesh, GETERDONE!!

Got a chance to talk to Wolf's better half today, and that was great news, sounds like they aren't just helping him get firewater in perspective but life itself...and it sounds like he is actually doing some listening and constructive changes...There is no way to explain to you after this many years of worry, what wonderful news that is. I'm very thankful that he has such a friend/mate in his life to bear with him through out this whole ordeal...though I'm amazed she stuck it out, cause I sure wouldn't have put up with that crap in her position as long as she has. He's got a once in a lifetime partner there, and he should be thanking the Good Lord for her. I'm going to hope he truly is on the road to building a good life.

I didn't get to see Mew today, but I understand he is wanting to move here, so I've offered to him that he can set himself up a place in the best/prettiest spot on my property and live there as long as he wants. Hope he takes me up on it, it would be a nice place for him...and I enjoy having him around even if he is kin. He's one heck of a young man.

Saw that darn cat today, ole ms. josephine...after being with us for the past 3 or 4 years travelling the is still weird that all of a sudden she took off and keeps her distance from us totally. She will come around when we're working in the yard and just look at us from afar. LOL...Cats are weird, thats all I can say after several years of living 24/7 with one in a small space, I'm qualified to say that. If there are aliens...cats either ARE them, or they communicate with them, and I'm pretty dang sure about that.

The mechanic said the AC couldn't work because the electric fan wasn't coming on so he replaced a relay, added a pound of r134 and wala...both problems were fixed for a mere $75 (You don't even want to know how cheap that wouldve been if I had just bought the stuff and done it myself..but, once again...reminds me of the guy who repaired the broken plane and charged $400. The Owner was irate when he saw that the only part replaced was a 25 cent bolt. The mechanic itemized the bill, 0.25 for the bolt, $399.75 for knowing where it goes and putting it in.) But the speedo needle hanging in the indented odometer that i was able to fix by drilling a hole thru the window in front of the speedometer and inserting a small brad/nail so the needle can't fall down past 10mph, so it can't fall down and get its little point stuck in the little box with the miles in it. That was basically free, and so far seems to work just fine.

Well, its been such a drought here, I finally broke down and bought a sprinkler and started watering in the front part of the lawn...(I mowed it after dark with headlights because the daytime has been so hot and because I was gone picking up Sam during the time I had planned to mow) ...not sure how wise that is...if ya grows,,if it grows, ya gotta why mow and then water? Well, I don't mind mowing and would rather it be green. Guess thats all for today, hope you folks are enjoying this darn near full moon.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Was a quiet day of rest and I was just about to go start up the mower when the phone rang ( eccentric guy that has been known to wear Russian hats) ...and then shortly a knocking on the door, so I had to cut the call with Quail short to deal with the door, not knowing who was there. I had a shirt and underwear on, so was relieved it was relatives. Gem and surprise! I didn't have the outside camera on so didn't even see them drive up. expert marksman, (really), had come to help me with my annoying turtle many as 6 of them haunting my small pond. Of course they mustve got wind of his coming because they were nowhere to be found. So they fished first, and Gem caught about a 3 Lbs bass, biggest one i've seen in that pond, and I caught a quarter ounce one, which was comforting assurance that they are reproducing. Once Mew got the reel facing the right way on the rod casting went much better.

With no turtles to be found, I threw some tiny little red and white bobbers out far into the pond, and Mew took aim with the Marlin .22 rifle ...boom, he could nail them in one to two shots, and a floating stick? He made it dance! It stood up on one end and before it could get comfortable again , pop, it was jumping again. Impressive. So if I can get him talked into putting him a place out here on the land...I can probably stop paying the alarm company the monitoring fee, just have to buy a box of shells now and then...and dig a big pit in case we need to have any impromptu funerals.

Tomorrow I'll need to do some Okie engineering on my car. Seems somewhere between the thermostat and all the relays and sensors, the cooling fan for the radiator only comes on when it wants. So yeah, I'll just wire up a switch where I can manually turn it on, and when I do..all the relays and sensors will be bypassed but will still turn it on when they want to. Then there is the ac with plenty of r134 but blowing hot air...gotta get that checked out before a tuesday trip to Iowa. All these brilliant ozone protectors got us nuked right out of using freon...after all it was going up there and making a hole or some such nonsense. (nonsense I say ..because they have yet to explain how freon...ummm, which is HEAVIER than air....made it up there to that great hole..but hey, facts don't matter right?) .
There I was in Reeseville Wisconsin, about 6am but my appointment was for much later. So I quickly scan my notebook and call the phone number I've got and ..GREAT! They are there and I can meet them early. Just go to the office by door 9. After driving throughout the whole complex...and seeing doors numbered almost in random order..there doesn't appear to be a door 9, they skipped that. I call the guy back, "Hey, I'm right under the watertower...where is door 9 from here?" Well that confused him so he said he would walk out into the compound and meet me. After a considerable wait, and some further research, I discovered the number I called was in new mexico..and uh..while that guy was out looking around the compound...we were , uh, at a closed facility in Wisconsin.

That started the day, and the rest of the day...well lead to a long delay of postings..LOL..So finally we just came home for awhile. So here I am taking a moment from our refuge hideaway to just say hello. Sam is still in the hospital and it really doesn't seem to be helping him at can you prescribe "humility" and "respect"? Don't think they make pills for that. Wolf...well, there hasn't been much word from wolf and thats probably a good thing if the treatment is that a whole lifetime pattern to wrestle with. Then our friend and kin we always called "90" had a big section of an aorta tube disintigrate and virtually collapse, allowing the blood to filter thru its walls into the body...survived all kinds of nasty odds this week and so far has pulled thru well. Ya just don't think about that kind of stuff in people that are not even 50. Yet I think the impact on his folks is still cascading.

As soon as we got home and while I was unloading the car, our "all her life inside" cat decided to make a mad dash for the outside, and she has stayed out in the wild now 3 days...refuses to come near. I sit here in this air conditioned house, look over at her food and water and look out at the roaming large neighborhood dogs and, food, water, comfort...its all here for ya ms. josephine...but you're too dang weirded out in your head to take advantage of she stays out their in the tick infested grass, diving under the shed when the enemy comes..course there is already a rabbit and an armadillo living under that shed for the same reason, so maybe she's got some new friends. Reminds me of a teenager that would rather do the same...than comply with a simple curfew...or some other tenant of control vs. freedom that the brain hangs on.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Still moving kind of slow and careful after that nasty fall, but I think all the bones are working...not 100% certain yet but hey, good enough for now. Getting ready to go get a shower and maybe come back out and watch a movie before resuming the journey. Don't have to be to Reeseville WI till 10am, and thats only about 5 hours or so... Been taking it real easy, feel like I've been in a fight with a really big guy...and maybe won, but ya know when you get in a fight like that even the winner feels it for a day or two. Just have to be very careful to set each foot down slow and straight. Mrs. Bean will mend the tear in the britches, thats a good thing.

Sitting here in Springfield Illinois at the moment. This town was the home of Abraham Lincoln , Springfield became the Illinois state capital in 1837 with the help of a young lawyer and politician named Abraham Lincoln. He lived in the city until he left to become the 16th President of the United States, in 1861. Chicago lies 200 miles northeast of Springfield, St. Louis and Indianapolis lie 100 miles southwest and 195 miles due east, respectively.

Haven't had a chance to read in my book much "sacketts land"...and the other book I'm reading "Life's instruction manual, the one you should have been given at birth" or something like that...its extremely awesome, I highly recommend every parent buy one for themselves and each child.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Ahh that dang Karma...went past Ft. Sumner and Billy the Kids grave and was kinda thinking about spittin on it, but of course didn't. Yet when I showed up in Clovis NM and stepped out at the guard shack onto the platform and entered the secret numbers I turned to open my door and took a NASTY fall about 4 feet to the ground twisting one ankle, messing up the instep on the other foot, cutting my knee, bruising my thumb, and just laid there on the gravel on my back trying to figure out if anything still worked well enough to get up. Shishkabob man...could all that have been from having that bad attitude about a man who hurt so many lives? Nah. Anyhow...We're finally underway to Reeseville Wisconsin this time , in Amarillo at the moment so thought I'd update. Other than that, its been a pretty dang good day considering the AC worked all day, and its been over 100 outside. Well, think I'm fixing to eat a godfathers pizza so you folks have a good night ...and remember to think positive thoughts.
Wow...5th of June, 2006. A GREAT MORNING so far, hit the road about 4am, got to Albuq. by 6am, and finished getting everything ready for the unload by I settled back and ate a few boiled egg whites, and a few pieces of that "Hearty thick cut bologna" that Oscar Mayer swears is made up only of Quality meat, No Filler. Whatever the heck that means...i kind of thought balogna wasn't anything BUT "filler", but thats about all I want to think about that because too much thought can just ruin a good thing, and I happen to like my balogna. It is around 67 degrees (farenheit of course...c'mon). And the city is yawning and kicking about but hadn't really woke up yet...Just the way I like it. Had some excellent news about young Sam, seems they've figured out him to have that bipolar disorder. If you've ever read "His Bright Light" Danielle Steele...(always hope I've spelled her name right), then you will know how elated I am that this has been diagnosed and will be treated at the young age of 18 before it was too late. If you know anybody that just flat aint got no legitimate reason to want to die but wants to cut themselves anyway, and they dive suddenly off into the booze and coke and crave them xanax bars...and then seem to just quit every pursuit in life but art or music, better get em into a psychiatrist just as quick as you can close out your computer, and that is no joke. If you haven't read "HIS BRIGHT LIGHT"...well, you really orta. Ya ya I know, I'll translate for you yankie doodle dandies...orta is short for ought to. Same number of syllables but a whole lot easier to say. Speaking of which, I had a most awesome history teacher in college by the name of Raymond Muncy...a truly fascinating teacher. He explained that during the days of Dr. Hook, (Hookworm was named after the guy...gee thanks) that throughout the south..where the climate was warm and humid , people commonly went barefoot, but so also entered the hookworm, which in its advanced stages results in slow, and more sluggish or even "lazy" speech. Dr. Muncy exposed me to the theory that these advanced stage people were the adults...teaching the youngens how to talk. So if you wondered how and the world the english propers that arrived on the east coast ended up talkun southern in the might perplex you greatly...especially since the only other languages spoken in the area sure didn't sound like the southern dialect either. Until you give the late Mr. Muncy's theory some thought. Goodnuff fer me. Anyhow, my other kin..old wolf, got legally persuaded to forget that outpatient stuff and go for inpatient for a few weeks to see if they couldn't help him get that firewater into perspective. Thats actually a relief, so I've got some elation about this being a dang good morning, temperature and time of arrival, good food, and Sam and Wolf...both getting some real help that give me high hopes. (Since ya probably don't know me all that well as of yet, you'll find that if there is a reason for high hope that can be found in anything, I'll pert near find it every time. Exciting day. Monday. Where am I off to next? Well, just down the road a couple miles to finish this mornings work...then...who knows...I'll let you know when the bossmen figure that out. Currently reading "Sacketts land" by Louis L'amour...a very top notch read. I've heard part of it on audio books before and wanted to know the rest of the story. The audio version is read by a guy with a bit of an irish like accent so it really set the tone in my head just right for this reading (yeah, thats probably why i read slow...i read aloud in my head)...well, actually i've been reading it aloud to my wife, she seems to enjoy that so its just something I do on occasion. Get out there and Getterdone..and by golly enjoy doing it !!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

This is the beginning of the blogging adventure and you will be most amazed at the things that will follow. So will I. Such is life. Currently in Santa Rosa New Mexico, wasting time, making no money, got to go to albuquerque in the morning and finish this trip.
Enjoying my 4th anniversary this day...well except for the chaos at home. Got one kin on his way to the state mental hospital at this very moment, and one that oughta be but he's trying the outpatient approach. And then there is "that darn cat". Ate my plants. sheesh. But the AC works and I'm a happy camper. more to follow.