After K's excellent point about its not personal I thought that I might share another attitude issue/thought that can be helpful. All thru my life, I've seen things that just were not fair. Now I know the common answer...WHOEVER SAID you are "entitled" to FAIR? But that thought doesn't help much does it?
Now plenty of horrible things have happened to people much better than us, but we tend NOT to cry "unfair that that didn't happen to me instead" ...but thats not really my point. I'm thinking about situations where you work/play right along side someone else and they get treated much better and given much cooler benefits and its not because they rightfully deserve superior treatment. In fact when it comes to what is deserved, YOU or I might actually deserve the premium benefit. THAT is the "unfair" I'm talking about.
Good example. Out on I40 coming into California, theres a very long stretch of nothing but straight boring road. A 16year old who just got their license the day before can legally drive 70mph on that road. Passing by the commercial truck driver who has millions of miles of experience in all seasons and terrains, but who is restricted to 55mph. (the picture I included is actually from Michigan...seems dumbness in legislatures is spreading like the plague) Keep in mind its a divided 4 lane interstate, and there is nothing built into the equation to make it less safe for the commercial driver...its the law (voted in of course by the resident car driver, the visiting commercial driver having no vote in the matter). So there the new driver out for a pleasure cruise zooms by at 70 and the trained, experienced, working commercial driver on a tight schedule is limited to 55.
Have you ever worked right along side people who get away with things you we're just not allowed to do, or given the cool assignments you deserved but are never considered for? I've seen this in a variety of jobs. And it may have nothing to do with our merits. At times a person can simply write it off like.."well thats the coaches kid", or the "owners kid", etc.., but sometimes its just not "write offable" and it stings and thats that.
When this happens you can dwell on what "they" are getting...and something you might otherwise be enjoying... becomes annoying and irritating and just eats away at you. The other choice brings much greater happiness though...its the choice I learned from the scripture cited above. I always think of that when I feel things are not fair.
Did you agree to do the job you're doing for the wage the employers paying? That other person's priviledged life has nothing to do with your own. Either your benefits and work is acceptable and enjoyable or it is not...don't let somebody else's life and priviledges distract you from your happiness. If the wage and work is acceptable...do it heartily and laugh often. Ya spend your life looking over your shoulder to see what someone else is getting, you indeed lose out.
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