Thursday, September 07, 2006

On the Road Again

Well, the summer romance has entered the mourning stage and its time to move on. It appears though there is one last twist, as we set out to get showered and get clothes washed...the water has been cut off temporarily. A quick drive revealed OG&E and the Water people were out working on something so it will probably be on after while.

Ole Sam got moved into his apartment over the labor day weekend, and got his fridge and freezer stocked for his very first time...when the power company cut off the electricity, giving him a day and half delay till it was turned back on in his name! LOL..welcome to the real life issues. Good thing his grandma had room in her fridge so I hope he was able to save it all. Its turned on now though so he was going to use his lunch break to restock. Looks like all he's got left to do now is keep a job and keep the bills paid and keep healthy, and he will be well on his way to that much longed for independence.

The full moon out tonight was beautiful. Its been wonderful having so much time to enjoy the home place and family and friends. I'm thinking in a year or so if financially possible, it may be time to take a long break again...but realistically it may be a couple more years before thats possible.

Anyhow, looking forward to watching the seasons change around the country. The NorthEast is especially beautiful during the fall. Hopefully I'll be able to get some digital shots of it...I'm still a long ways from knowing how to use that silly camera but getting SOME better at it anyway. Will keep you posted by Sierra AirCard as time and signal permit.

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