Friday, September 15, 2006

The Atlantic Ocean

This is a shot of the Atlantic Ocean from the window as we went over the Chesapeake Bridge. (Its now my background on my computer and its beautiful). I took this one for Marbella since she finds peace in the ocean view.

Its loading very very very slowly as I'm waiting here in Macon Illinois. We're headed to Edwardsville Il. next, (north side of St. Louis), then down to Alabama for an appointment around 3am then back up to Iowa for Sunday.

Heres one, not the best shot, but shows the bridge curving and it becomes a tunnel at that point, and you can see it come up and continue as a bridge. Kind of weird seeing the bridge end in the ocean. Maybe more journey photo's later...they take a long time to load, the connection isn't strong here. Be Safe ,Happy and Good.