Nothing deep today. Just that when you have a youngen in your 40's there are some advantages. (Some serious disadvantages mind you, but alas..SOME advantages). After years of making pancakes for kids then going thru the syrup and cutting routine I'll tell ya a much easier way and actually it will get much less syrup down them than the typical way, but shhhh! they'll never notice that healthy fact.
So heres how I do it in my old age...
Since I buy my drinking water in gallon jugs there are always plenty of emptys. I cut them off about halfway up but cut around the handle so it stays with the jug. Then dump in the mix and the water and hand it to the youngen with a stirring stick. They are usually very glad to be involved in the process. Meanwhile the skillet is heating up with a quick spray of non-stick cooking oil on it. As soon as its hot enough for a drop of water to sizzle and disappear, its ready, and as you fetch the mix make sure you look at it with pride and amazement at how GOOD of a job they did and how much you appreciate their help.
While the pancakes are making, you put a little syrup in a microwave safe bowl and 30-40 seconds later you've got hot syrup in a bowl. As the pancakes get done you pitch em onto a paper plate and when you're all done, haul the plate in and the bowl and sit down with em. You'll get an odd look at first till they see you roll your pancake and DIP it into the syrup, and lean over the bowl to bite it...get them to do it the same way cause if they bring it to their mouths you'll have a drippy mess. It makes a fun breakfast as you alternate whose turn it is to dip and hover over the bowl. (NO don't get two bowls...sheesh, enjoy the togetherness).
Make sure you bring a cup of water for them to drink, and a wet wash rag. Ahh...a great breakfast and time shared. No silverware involved, and no cutting and all that waste of time. Anyway, its my idea so naturally I like it but I wouldn't pass it on if I wasn't pretty sure you would too.
What a precious picture and rendition of a father and daughter making such wonderful memories.
Pancake-dipp'in eh? I think yer kids are getting a unique up-bringing. Sonic still can't imagine why anyone would smash a cookie with their fist, ROFL.
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