Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Few Quick Words of Wisdom

Don't have much time this morning so I'll sum up "my advice" quickly for any youngsters that'll listen.

The secret is easy, keep the focus narrow onto these guides...

1. Stay Employed

2. Pay your bills ontime, everytime.

3. Always be improving your Spiritual, Physical and Financial Health.

Judge all your decisions/actions/daily activities based on whether it is helping or hurting compliance with these three essential ingredients. And when you hit a really rough time, practice grinning. If you get enough grinning practice in during the rough times, just imagine how "use to being happy" you will be when it gets going good again...and it will always get going good again.

My old coach told me..."good, better, best, ..never let it rest, till the good becomes the better and the better becomes the best"...a saying I've kept with me always...even if I was working in a graveyard.

And one very vital "standard" to always be applying that "improvement" principle KINDNESS. Want to be Unique? Become the Kindest person in your entire village. The benefits are without end.

Thats it. Life is Simple huh? Write it down, keep your focus, enjoy your life. If you ever catch yourself horribly sad about life...its probably because you aren't keeping to the principles above...or you're not reaching out to help anyone else in life. Either one of those will smash ya.

1 comment:

emc said...

Practical advice! All my coaches ever said was "stop being a squirrel" and "quit watching the girls."