Friday, July 17, 2009

Yard mowed

Landlords wife dropped by one of those mow or we mow for $20...i got out and mowed it, now loaned the mower to my brother in law. "Corn" is what everybody calls him, he'll probably tune it up for me when he brings it back.

Got a load of stuff to take to storage , fixing to do that then hopefully walk for a half our then maybe catch up at Moms and George's swimming hole.

Trying to work things out with the daughter, hopeful whatever issues she has she can take up with me and we can go from there...other than that, hopeful things are easing up for GK's mom through all this and everything can go back to normal.

Got about 4 very potential jobs in surveying opening up. May drive down to Kingston and look that area over that looks like a nice place.

don't know...just know the unemployment is limited even if it is a month or two more it is time to get back to work and hope i can keep it long enough for the va to declare deaf.

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