From the Oklahoma City airport, leaving OKC before 7am, stopping in Chicago before 9am, then finally onto Traverse City, Mi. by a little past noon. But I still had to get to Sault Ste Marie Mi. which meant a 3 hour drive and there was no way I'd make my meeting on time. FORTUNATELY, there was a small charter service that flies over the Mackinac Bridge when they aren't in North Carolina and they happened to be at Traverse. (They've got a pretty cool website by the way..and i think thats the very same plane shown on it).

This big Mackinac Bridge of I-75 shown in the pics can't really be seen in all its beauty because the wings were kind of in the way, but it was beautiful!!

Anyhow, there was a municipal airport just outside Sault Ste Marie, Mi. that was quickly in sight. This place is just on our side of the Canadian border, and on the banks of Lake Huron but within minutes of Lake Superior AND Lake Michigan...kind of reminds me of 4 corners where 4 states touch...but not exactly. The ride in the biplane is worthy of its own post. It was plenty cool up there without the ac, and there wasn't any such thing as reclining the seat but it really doesn't cross the mind. Kind of like a motorcycle ride...but without the balance i said that would have to be another post.
The meeting went fine. (A Canadian company needing an experienced team to transport VERY hazardous material back and forth across the border...radioactive into the states, class 1 explosives back into their country) Got a chance for a little rest at The Laker Inn which wasn't a big motel by any means but very very nice, (clean, small, quiet, and affordable)...and a very short drive from SOO Locks. And it wasn't very far from Sault Ste. Marie Municipal Airport. The SOO locks are amazing, but you can do your own research on that..big humongous (like nearly 3 football field long) ships coming in and thru... but thats all for now...gotta rest..a whole new adventure starts in the morning...but this one is with my little "Grace Kelly".
What is this all about- I didn't know your were going to Michigan looking for a job. Can't wait to hear the story in person...
Fish oil must be working on everyone but me.
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