Friday, June 05, 2009

Paid the rent

Finally caught up with the landlord today to get the rent money to him. Since I don't have any checks and won't get any, it is a matter each month of catching him to get the cash to him from my checking account. (Why no checks with a checking account? no checks helps avoid overdraft fees with very little thought time.)

They had scheduled a house inspection a couple of weeks ago or less, and I was glad of it. It gave us extra motivation to get the house somewhere near "mom-clean". (If you knew my mom, you'd totally understand that that would pass a white-gloved military inspection.) Which is always nice. But it was a no-show so expecting a delayed inspection the house has kept as close to that state of readiness as possible. A clean house is always much more relaxing. Cluttered houses...I'm usually the main culprit, but an inspection motivated me to buy cabinets and put stuff away. A dirty nasty house...makes me feel overwhelmed. A mom-clean house is awesome, it is like having a clear head.

So an accountability, an "inspection" can be motivational, and gives a good result.

Dad-gum gargoyle clammed up on me last night because I ignored it, but it is only a temporary thing, he ain't going anywhere.

Got word yesterday and again today, so now 2 of the jobs I've applied for; surveying and applications have been forwarded to the hiring agencies. One is south of me by an hour one is northwest by an hour and a half. The surveying job sounds more like something easier to enjoy, it is to the south. The manager job to the northwest would pay better but be more stressful and cost more to live there.

So the surveying job is the one I hope for. Still waiting on the VA to ship my medical records in so the disability claim can be filed. Not sure when those will come in but they are not like the SSDI, as if you attempt to make a living between now and then, there isn't any limit while they decide your case. With my hearing impairment, there are much fewer jobs available especially in a 9%+ unemployed economy....drops my opportunities by a ton. Though there is a Schlotzsky's in town needing help and I think I'd love that, I went in the other day and the a/c and other equip. noise completely overloaded my hearing aids...Firecracker had to "translate" everything for me.

No progress on the book last night. But did watch "box of moonlight" at my brother's recommendation. Was quite interesting though I'd probably rate it as a b+ movie as far as the general public goes, it was personally enjoyable. There were some interesting real life thoughts just subtly beneath the surface in it.

"That little gargoyle" hasn't said a word since last evening. Seems he is boycotting me for a bit. Was ready for a break and headed out the door to buy a couple beers, but he told me on the way out that if i did, he wouldn't talk to me all night, and he kept his word. Figures my imaginary friend would be a teetotaler.
Just figures.

Anyhow, all the bills are paid, the cabinets and freezer is stocked, and a new jar of snuff is beside me, so all is well this month. May be getting a shot at a couple jobs within a week or two...may be getting the info in that is needed for starting the VA disability claim. May be finishing up the book this weekend. All the "maybe" situations in mind right now have positive advantages.

The house is clean, the bills are paid, the snuff jar is full, I'm loved, I'm not alone. The future has good probabilities. And the grouchy gargoyle has been quiet since yesterday so all is good in my world.

May try to head over to my Aunt's this next week, wanted to give all those "immediate" visitors a chance to die down before making a visit. Mom told me about her adventure over there since my Uncle's death. Think walking through the door overwhelmed her. Glad she shared that, so I can try to be more mentally prepared, may be able to be more empathetic and efficiently supportive if I can be a rock for her to lean on. That is my role in life, to be a rock for those that need something solid to steady them.

Not feeling too well today, ordered a pizza last night and think it is what gave me dysentery. LOL..pleasant thought for a blog. Anyhow, the weekend is about to begin. Hope it is well for all.

1 comment:

Marbella said...

Sure glad I don't have a housing inspection coming up, I might fail it. Totally agree though that a clean (at least semi) is much more conducive to a relaxed mood. Its not that I don't enjoy a really "clean" house but mother nature has had a way of changing my definition of "clean" these days. Congratulations on your accomplishments!!!!