Monday, January 25, 2010

Low Pulse Rate

Even though "athletic" definitely doesn't define me, as a rule my pulse is in the 40's and that prompted me several years ago to pressure my doctor to start me on thyroid medication. The blood tests that check a person's TSH registered me at almost a 5 and according to old school thinking that was "normal". Since then they've researched it and something like 98% of the people with what was considered "normal" thyroid function by all other tests...scored below 3. It doesn't seem like much but it makes a big difference in a person's energy level, breathing and overall health. Since then my pulse rate runs in the higher 40's and I've seen it up to almost 60. It was interesting researching Low Pulse Rate Hopefully this year I'll get started back on a daily vigorous exercise routine and start researching how to use the pulse rate to gauge the intensity of the exercise for maximum efficiency because as it is I tend to think "ah man this is working hard enough".


Marbella said...

you might want to ask about enalapr/HCTZ-5-125 mg. I am taking that for my low pulse rate and it has increased mine to the high 60s.

Ger said...

Thanks! Though my blood pressure borders on the low side and though it sounds bad, research indicates that treatment is not indicated in asymptomatic patients with sinus bradycardia. There is no prognostic significance to sinus bradycardia in otherwise healthy subjects. In subjects over the age of 40, for example, there is no adverse effect on longevity noted. So I should be ok unless problems which case, I'll definitely keep that in mind.