Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Dentist is Danged , I think.

To avoid giving much weight to my complaint with the dentist as to how painful versus must be considered that I've not had a cap/crown put on ever before or elsewhere so there is nothing to compare my dentist with in my mind, except the "ideal" situation I might have expected.

...but dang, I'm tired of that guy hurting my mouth!...and making it seem a shock that its so i'm some sort of pansy...dang, im gonna at least see if there isn't somebody more into pain relief and what not..and I hope its a different world out there!

Well...he says if treated right the cap/crown ought to last 20 years or better....(oh great..i gotta go thru this again at that OLDER age?). If all else had been perfect in life I might have said hey, its a good time to afford and deal with challenges with heres what do, pull that tooth, send me to an oral surgeon, get an implant, and have a tooth made. ..That should be for life, replacing a worn out tooth on an implant shouldn't be of any discomfort at all...unscrew it, replace it.

Maybe he was telling the truth this time, its not going to be painful enough to justify pain medicine...(darn)...(and yet..Yay!)...Uncomfortable right now, and probably will be when I eat, going to delay chewing too much over there till its not so sensitive. I feel ALOT of discomfort and distracting but light constant pain as the number is wearing off. Well..maybe this is done.

This started and got its temporary while I was insured...and got finished with permanent while I was uninsured...should be covered, nothing would surprise me...Either gotta get that Cobra plan going or get them on the ball at the new co. for their "immediate coverage"...but the deductible will have to be met anyhow...maybe it would be cheaper to just pay the actual costs instead of cobra...for the stuff between last company and onset at this one.

Got the pleasant sound coming from the kitchen that sounds like someone else is taking care of fixing dinner tonight...and that means some good least on one side of my mouth.

1 comment:

Marbella said...

gerbeans, there is no such thing as anything painfree connected to dentists -