As K pointed out in his comments...this blog has been too quiet. (And the cookie sneaking would have been quiet if it weren't for the dang coffee pot burning my bare chest when I reached by it in the dark). My brain has been busy, its been noisy in there even, but just not much finished prose conducive thought...just processing day to day stuff. If anything profound did come thru, it left before I could write it down did me no bloggable good.
Haven't even been taking pictures these past couple weeks because the trip has been between New Jersey and Ohio pretty much back and forth back and forth, ...but alas finally in Cedar Rapids for a few hours till the next load begins...hmmm...the place it destinates (if that isn't a word it should be)...let me guess, WOW...NEW JERSEY!! Cool, that will provide a chance to see...hmmm PENNSYLAVANIA...where we've spent the majority of the past couple weeks..). Ahhh...well, its a living and each day is interesting for some reason or another.
So you can hear moments from my brain, recorded like a snapshot...This, in "that" sense, is a picture for ya...
Wow, that dang caution sign blinking so bright it blinded me in spots, too bright to read, probably said CAUTION BRIGHT BLINKING LIGHTS...trip meter says 453 miles done, hmm thats 368 remaining, fuel level? 7/8, probably got about 150 gallons left/900 miles, so no need to stop. There aren't any good fuel stops at the end of the trip though? ahh, will still have plenty even there. ok. Road conditions pretty good so far, probably average 60-65 so maybe 6 hours to destinate...what time is it now? 6am central, so should be there around noon ...well, 1pm eastern. Good..thats earlier than appointment, and still within a legal log, (checking speed, tach, gear position, air pressure, oil pressure, water on the mirrors a bit to figure out whats "incoming" from a ways back)
Don't see any signs of troublesome wind in the trees, grass, sky. Maybe a little from the north, not enough to need reaction. XM radio showing "landline now" coming on, put out by OOIDA...a chance to catch up on what new rules and regulations are being considered or contested...and any new state laws that I may have to comply with.
Dang, that Notre Dame game sure stirred up alot of traffic!! Thats over 100 cars per minute passing me the other way...and its been that way for about half an hour. Check odometer...31,004 seems like alot for 6 weeks driving...just got it serviced its first time. The mechanic didn't seem too thrilled with his career choice, or his existence, alot of people like that. I hope them 5 kids of ours all find "true success" as grandpa Jack defined being in a job and getting paid for something that he'd be doing for free if he retired.
Ahhh man, thats funny/tacky...some guy just called into the radio and dedicated the song "hang down your head tom dooly" Sadam Hussein. Wonder if they'll actually ever hang him? Woah..stay still ya big buck..sure been alot of deer on the shoulders lately, and alot of roadkill deer. Thats the first buck i've seen a very long time.
I like those deerstands built on 4 posts...need to build one of those at the ranch for the grandkids to use as a treehouse...
HAHAHA that guy is ornery. Sun isn't up very high now, and as he passes I can see that his wife(?) is sleeping in the passenger seat, but motioning for me to pull the air horn!! Not gonna do it buster brown, you wanta wake her up, YOU do it, and don't have me to blame...LOL.
Some of the trees are naked already. Some still boasting with fall color but losing pizazz. God didn't create this world using the fad of our century "mass production"....each piece is unique...Quite artistic our Creator is! LOL...guy on the radio just said "my wife drives 75% of the time actually, ...i just sit there with my hands on the wheel"...
By the time Thanksgiving gets here , we'll have been out 4 weeks, sure looking forward to that time, may even take a vacation week.
There K ! (now you know what "leave sleeping dogs lay" means )( ps. you oughta come thanksgiving so we can have a christmas holiday early, much more fun than end of the year).
I enjoyed the mind picture- Take some more pictures soon--GM
Cool stream of consciousness; I'm going to try a mini-version out on me bloggie too :-)
he'll prolly die before he uses up his appeals. all the leaves are falling here.
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