Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back to Work

Thanksgiving behind us. Hopefully the "busiest shopping day of the year"..also, done. Has anyone updated to the new blogger thing they keep pushing on login?

Had a good visit with the 2 Texas boys, and the Little Blondie, Didn't get to visit much with the Energizer Bunny or the Jindian, or even Sam...but a little bit with all. The 4 weeks out seemed forever, the 5 days off just flew though. I'm still finding life has too many things I want to enjoy and just not enough time to do much but a sample of this and that.

While I'm still working thru the book I HIGHLY recommend to all... 9 Things You Simply Must Do . But I've also started in on a new purchase, "The New Create an Oasis with Greywater"...choosing, building, and using greywater systems includes branched drains. I need this, not just for developing a site for rentals but also to improve how our house functions. Especially looking forward to adding a dishwasher but not running the drain to the septic.

Anyhow, just an update. About to hit the road again in a few hours and enjoying whats left of the year between now and Christmas. Hopefully will send more from the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, I switched over to the new blog format; is much better to work with than the old one; give it a whirl.