Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Tuesday December 8th

Happy Birthday to my son, who has now parted towards his own path and bravely forges ahead as a solo warrior against the weight of the world.

It is wee hours of the morning as I pause to put some words in print to try to keep from getting in trouble for "failure to blog". LOL. There are two projects engaging me right now when I can keep myself on task. The Evony project, and The desktop assistant project (nope, no details are given on this right now but it should be the most fun project i can imagine). Turns out there are quite a few software programs that were installed on the laptop, but now are just in a folder on this hard drive. That is what this night has been about. Trying to get all my tools functional and ready for wrapping up project one.

I'm caught up on dishes and kitchen cleanliness, but getting a bit behind in laundry (for me that means 2 loads). It has been cold enough to get our attention in these parts...I've dug out my heavy jacket and the lighter ones to wear under it..but need to find my good warm gloves in the cave.

Don't expect me to be awake till the afternoon today!! I didn't get "off work" till late. Sometimes there is a need to blog that there is nothing to blog.


emc said...

looks like you've entered my timezone now ;-)

Ger said...

Ya...daytime has too many distractions..LOL