Reading an old journal note from Nov. 29, 1999 I found an entry that brought back a memory...
"Since I don't have a video or digital camera, here is a word-picture of my kids. I'm standing in the kitchen watching this as it happens.
Just as I was starting to feel like there was hope for my 'determined to be non-domestic' daughter...My 15 yr old daughter was trying her hand at cooking, and relishing the authority that comes with being the cook...catching her 11 year old brother lifting the lid, looking in the pan...she starts chastising him out of there, saying she is waiting for the water to boil
so she can add her rice,.
(she even swings the long wooden spoon at him, it was a classic scene)..he looks at her real puzzled and IS boiling...
She said with that aire of expertise... 'no its not! its just bubbling, its been doing THAT for 10 minutes.'
"life at home"
Back to square one with little
Betty Crocker