Monday, December 17, 2007

Moderation Bowl of Buffet

Buffet, Smorgasborg (?), wonderful stuff!!

But our culture or belief that we need to try to get our moneys worth is really at conflict with our health when we go to a buffet...where our desire to get our moneys worth is combined with our desire to continue the joy of tasting until our stomach says it is stuffed (which, the stomach by the way is actually shy by nature...and it doesn't speak up to yell enough until it is swollen out to the very peak of what it can hold except for the spout...kind of like the way we fill up our cars sometimes.

Wish buffet owners would offer "the moderation bowl" at half the buffet price. You are allowed one pass, the bowl will contain about a liter, you get the variety of the get the "moneys worth" side of you satisfied..and the "feel good afterward" health side of you met at the same time.

If you were really feeling one for there, one to go. You eat about what the stomach could comfortably hold while there...the other bowl is sealed and ready for working on an hour or two from now....

Not so much at once. If I write a dictionary definition for "moderation" ..."not so much at once".

That is enough to think on for now.

1 comment:

emc said...

Interesting article. After years of experience with the deception between the eyes and the stomach it's pretty much resolved itself.

Instead of a buffet triggering the "all you can eat" switch, it has settled into "custom combinations of interesting stuff" and I rarely go back for more. When looked at as a way to customized the quality of a meal rather than maximize quantity it seems to be a much better deal ;-) Guess that's defacto the moderation bowl, but I think the choice for moderation needs to always rest with the consumer heheh.