Lots of people realize they need to make some changes but that is where the progress stops. Throw in a series of new year resolutions, sit back to relax feeling good about having the matter resolved. Yet no progress is made.
"What are you wanting out of life?
What are you getting out of life?
what changes need made to get that result?"
Good common sense facts there. Thats a key part of making the decisions, the next part is...MAKE THOSE CHANGES. I remember telling people in several business meetings (though it wasn't an original idea).."If you keep doing the same old things, the same old way..don't be surprised that you keep getting the same old results".
Now that is usually applied to the fact that "different results are needed", so ya gotta change the ingredients. But its true the other way too, theres a whole lot of times things are just the way ya like them ...be careful not to mess with THOSE ingredients!
No new years resolutions here...those haven't proved helpful. There is a poster on my wall with some really key things I wanted to get done...I looked at it the other day and realized NONE of those have been done...didn't really disturb me TOO much, until i noticed it was dated June 2005. Sheesh, need to change that. So I've been giving thought to what kind of changes I needed to make at work and in my time at home time management to bring that about. Then dividing that up into "baby steps" so I can implement the steps to changes.
Though I don't usually recommend products...this one I've used in the past to help me "get it all together" and it was VERY valuable...so I ordered it and installed it and am using it again..its a journal program that is simple and awesome. You can start using it right away and learn more of its potential as you go. Be sure to make backups (a click of a button) and if you ever have to restore your computer ..zap..your journal of events past present and future are right there.
"Make sure that your daily action list is in line with your true goals and values. All of us have things in life we don't enjoy, but which are important. Life becomes chaotic and crises occur when we don't 'manage' our lives - by taking out the trash, washing our clothes, having regular medical checkups, pay our bills, etc.
But it's time for a major re-evaluation of your life if you find most hours of most days filled with dreaded 'oughts'..."
That quote is one small clip from a really good article titled "Using a Day Planner as a Life Planner" by Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.Dan ADD.
Helpful ways to implement "making the changes" in mom's quote at the start of this blog.
1 comment:
Ya, that feedback loop is important... is it working? Change something/anything...is it working now? I call that "calibration."
That's why those baby steps are important too, the faster we can calibrate the faster we can figure out how to work it; if the "what are we getting?" takes weeks or months to tell us it's working or that we need to make changes, then it probably needs to be broken down more :-)
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