So whats it all about?
First time it dawned on me that a day would come...when nobody on the face of the earth will have ever met me nor will anyone even know any living being who had ever met was a realization with a shock that surprised me a bit. Living my life became less about making a "lasting mark", and my thoughts returned to reviewing God's written word I think in search of correct orientation on what this part of our journey was really all about.
The interesting part of that "shock" was...I hadn't been aware that any part of my perception of life was connected to people remembering me...but to account for my reaction it would seem ,deep down, something along that line must have had at least a cameo role.
"Dip your finger in the ocean and when you pull it out that hole that remains is how much you will be missed" I heard something like that in a movie and also read it in a book, so its a thought many have had/heard. And while there will most likely be people miss us...eventually they too will be gone and then, there is no "hole" in the water. But the "uh-duh" part of that is...obviously that isn't what we were designed & created for. (Interesting how many people devote significant effort into trying to leave something behind that people will remember them by...but even if they build something akin to the lincoln memorial in your memory, someday nobody looking at it will have ever known you. And the fact is, you won't know they were even looking at thats just NOT the point in life, or if it is...its a futile one).
I use to love playing with an etch-a-sketch. It was mechanically interesting to me as well as challenging and convenient for art. The problem was, no matter how perfect the artwork was, once it was gone. Being always curious about how things worked I once set out to rub off the entire screen completely so I could see the mechanism doing the "drawing". Understanding then just how it worked, and then having the experience of having brothers totally erase any memory of any accomplishment I ever drew on lost its interestingness.
With more people on this earth than ever before, and life not being about creating a lasting memorial, and the one etch-a-sketch drawing that we spend our life working on getting shook up at some point...our uniqueness, our specific existence and purpose gets clouded.
I'm leaving the footnote reference citation out, with computerized concordances ( nowadays you can find the ones that you want to look at further
... But heres some facts from the Creator...
1.God knows YOU.
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew You"
"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing"
"Do not be afraid for I have ransomed you, I have called you by name, you are mine"
"God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us"
" Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And {yet} not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."
Thats more than enough to establish that we are known individually by God. I know there are alot of people and it just doesn't seem possible for God to know each and every one of us...but then to be honest the idea of man making a bug that operates without batteries and even beyond my scope of "possible" too...but we're not talking about our limitations...our limitations are not His limitations so yes, He knows You, your personality, your likes and dislikes, things about you that you haven't even discovered yet. He knows you.
2. Your existence here is a result of His creating.
So if you desire to know what it is all about, read the Bible.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
todays journal
Current mood: exhausted
Wow..making a quick flight from chicago to indianapolis and on to new jersey by sunup, then probably back to chicago :( (not my favorite place) and sooner or later should be enroute to dallas so the plan is to spend a few days at the ranch. Hope all goes well on this journey unlike this past weekend sitting around waiting on technicians to figure out why the bird fell out of the sky and played dead. Looking forward to the reunion.
MAY 23, 2006
Current mood: crazy
Category: Parties and Nightlife
Ya have to click on the play the numa numa place, but OMGOODNESS
Monday, May 22, 2006
Current mood: cheerful
A Very long time ago I sat in a chapel service in Searcy Arkansas, USA and listened to a man by the name of Joe Beam I believe, tell of a time when a man was leaving for work and he told his son to feed the dog, and his son assured him he would. Later that night when the man returned home as the family gathered around the dinner table the dog sat outside whining and the father asked the son if he had fed him...ashamed, the son admitted sorrowfully that he had not. The father sent the son away from the table and gave the son's food to the dog. The son felt this was only fair, and it deeply the troubled the boy that he had let his father down. The next day when the dad returned home from work the dog had indeed been fed but the boy was on the porch with his face in his hands and it was obvious that the poor lad had been crying deeply, and the father sat down beside him, put his arm around him and asked what was the trouble. "You remember yesterday, when I said I would feed the dog and then I let you down? " This was still deeply troubling the boy. The father assured him as much as he possibly could that it was forgiven and gone. Yet the boy still saw himself as a failure. He could not imagine that his father actually had moved on and not taken that stain with him. Several months went by and the boy's sadness never really seemed to lift much. Yet it was graduation and the boy was to give one of the student speeches that night, as he got up to the mic with his cards all prepared, he broke down and couldn't give the prepared speech at all, he instead looked directly at his father in the audience and said
"Dad, I'm so sorry I failed to feed the dog that day"...WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO THAT BOY? What do you say to anybody who still feels shame and guilt over a sin that God has long since forgiven? Maybe people today aren't that different than in the days when Jesus walked in Jerusalem..WHO IS THIS THAT CLAIMS THE POWER TO FORGIVE SINS! Yet when we doubt He could really have cleansed our record...aren't we doubting that very thing..His power or ability to cleanse us? What has God ever done for me??? umm, how about...FORGIVEN YOU. Thats a pretty awesome thing in and of itself. Rejoice.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Current mood: crazy
Category: Parties and Nightlife
Current mood: confused
JOB 37-39
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life
Feel like God is dead and useless? REALLY SLOWLY THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO READ...your concept of God is confused...whatever made you think He was designed for Your use? "useless" implies that you somehow are failing to realize it is You that are to be useful to Him...and not Him to be useful to you. Unless, you created Him? This I would agree, would be a dead and useless God....and by your feelings that God is dead and is plain that the God you knew was die-able...and the God you knew was be used. True logic? Impeccable. What if you could meet the REAL GOD? You can. You will. He waits. And only then will you find the true awesomeness of life. There is so much going on in the unseen world that you haven't got a clue about, so walk slowly and listen carefully in deciding how things must be in the spiritual world. Read the Book...and listen to what you discover. For nobody's sake but your own.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Current mood: peaceful
Category: Music
Artist/Band: Gosdin Vern
You ran cryin' to the bedroom
I ran off to the bar,
Another piece of heaven gone to hell,
the words we spoke in anger
just tore my world apart,
And I sat there feeling sorry for myself.
Then that old man sat down beside me
and looked me in the eye,
and said "Son, I know what you're going through,
You ought to get down on your knees
and thank your lucky stars that you got someone to go home to."
You don't know about lonely,
Or how long nights can be,
Till you lived through the story
That's still livin' in me,
And you don't know about sadness
'til you faced life alone,
You don't know about lonely
'til it's chiseled in stone.
So I brought these pretty flowers
hoping you would understand
sometimes a man is such a fool,
Those golden words of wisdom
from the heart of that old man,
showed me I ain't nothing without you.
You don't know about lonely,
Or how long nights can be,
Till you lived through the story
that old man just told me,
And you don't know about sadness
'til you faced life alone,
You don't know about lonely
'til it's chiseled in stone.
You don't know about lonely,
'til it's chiseled in stone.
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life
Interesting how many people really believe they know God and think He has failed them somehow in some promise they thought He made...or some command of theirs that by all appearances He must have DISOBEYED. So it is that they come to the point of Firing God. Giving Him the finger. ....Well maybe there is some good in that in one way because first..of course, GOD can not be fired and doesn't cease to exist at the whim or executive decision of man...what kind of God would that be! So if you were believing in that kind of God...he needed to be fired. But now what about the REAL GOD, the Almighty, the Creator. The God who went thru death Himself to be able to justly redeem man? Can you fire Him? Well, after a long and valiant and quite admirable strength was worn down...a man named JOB tried. "curse God and die" "get it overwith" was the advice of his friends who were completely overwhelmed with confusion and empathetic pain over their friends losses. In the book of can read all about this matter...No No No my friend...YOUR situation/feelings are not new under the sun, has been on this earth over 7 thousand years..the struggles are not new...the strugglers are...its your turn, to cry...this is the beginning of our eternity and there is so much to learn and experience and this phase of it is very very short so be thankful for each day, each challenge, each adventure.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
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