Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Completions

Finally got the brass fitting out of the gas line and plugged it off where it went to the gas refrigerator now in the landfill.

Got the propane tank checked and seated in good and air bled out and the hot water heater going again. That is a welcome relief, easier to keep the place clean and dishes clesn.

Bought a Filter like thing to make the A/C a new air filter, did that and installed it, hopefully that solves the freezing up problems, we'll see.

Unbolted the receptacle from the wall, behind the refrigerator..moved it out and back so the refrigerator can slide in enough for the front feet to be completely on the support board. Still need to reverse the doors..put a screen on the access door, add some insulation to the side and trim it out and finish the trim...before it is "done done"

Still have a challenge of getting the stuff on the bunkbeds sorted and put away or hauled away, and a couple cabinets to empty out and rework tonight.

Looking forward to parenting time this weekend, (thus the push to get things finished up.) Really need a break myself so it should be very laid back.

So much being pushed to the forefront these next few weeks, time to wrap stuff up and move on towards creating more income.

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