The "Worthy" or the "Unworthy" ?
Which one are you?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
The First Foreign Language
1 Now the whole earth had one language and few words. 2 And as men migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. 3 And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly." And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. 4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." 5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built. 6 And the LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name was called Ba'bel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.Excerpt from Genesis 11
That passage has always fascinated me. I ran onto it again today when I was preparing a condensed study of Abram/Abraham to explain the references Paul makes in "Galatians" to God's covenant with Abraham.
There are many commentators who have taken on interpreting "why" God reacted with this, there could be studies on the brilliance of His actions in terms of "effectiveness". Far too many that can't even make a bug that reproduces, or can't even create a seed that grows into a tree and reproduces...will none the less think themselves wise enough to "judge" God's actions here...but the bottom line is, we can't comprehend the why. We don't know the whole story of what God's plan for man was and how His action here "righted" the course. Yet in terms of "effect" it was brilliantly creative.
Mankind has been on this Earth approximately 7,000 years. If you truly listen to the amazing diversity in comparing Russian to Chinese to Arabic to'll see how powerfully this single day in history changed the entire world of events.
Anyhow...It is definitely an interesting event.
That passage has always fascinated me. I ran onto it again today when I was preparing a condensed study of Abram/Abraham to explain the references Paul makes in "Galatians" to God's covenant with Abraham.
There are many commentators who have taken on interpreting "why" God reacted with this, there could be studies on the brilliance of His actions in terms of "effectiveness". Far too many that can't even make a bug that reproduces, or can't even create a seed that grows into a tree and reproduces...will none the less think themselves wise enough to "judge" God's actions here...but the bottom line is, we can't comprehend the why. We don't know the whole story of what God's plan for man was and how His action here "righted" the course. Yet in terms of "effect" it was brilliantly creative.
Mankind has been on this Earth approximately 7,000 years. If you truly listen to the amazing diversity in comparing Russian to Chinese to Arabic to'll see how powerfully this single day in history changed the entire world of events.
Anyhow...It is definitely an interesting event.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I Missed You
After being gone to a friends birthday party and missing out on last weekend's planned youngest was smiling and swinging her arms like a silent dance of jubilee a bit ago..and I asked "good show?"..."I've seen it before, I'm just so happy to be back, I've really missed you!" Ahhh, she can't know how she just added a treasure to my heart for me to vault and cherish.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Feb. 15th Has Been Better Than Valentines Day For 26 Years
"Hello, is this here the Sheriff's Office?" "Yes. What can I do for
"I'm calling to report my neighbor, Virgil Smith. He's drillin' holes
in his farwood and hiding marijuana inside!"
"Thank you very much for the call, sir."
The next day, the Sheriff & his deputies descend on Virgil's house.
They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they split
every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and
leave. The phone rings at Virgil's house. "Hey, Virgil! This here is
Floyd. Did the Sheriff come?" "Yeah!"
"Did they split yer farwood?" "Yep!"
"Happy Birthday, buddy!"
(Who says rednecks aren't real bright?!)
With my oldest daughter turning 26 years OLD today, and it being so very cold out, (still showing 25 degrees)...something like this would have been tempting, but with her husband being on the police force now...Kinda don't think it would have been properly I'm just wishing her a Happy Birthday in my heart.
"I'm calling to report my neighbor, Virgil Smith. He's drillin' holes
in his farwood and hiding marijuana inside!"
"Thank you very much for the call, sir."
The next day, the Sheriff & his deputies descend on Virgil's house.
They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they split
every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and
leave. The phone rings at Virgil's house. "Hey, Virgil! This here is
Floyd. Did the Sheriff come?" "Yeah!"
"Did they split yer farwood?" "Yep!"
"Happy Birthday, buddy!"
(Who says rednecks aren't real bright?!)
With my oldest daughter turning 26 years OLD today, and it being so very cold out, (still showing 25 degrees)...something like this would have been tempting, but with her husband being on the police force now...Kinda don't think it would have been properly I'm just wishing her a Happy Birthday in my heart.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A Celtic Cross in the hand of an Angel with candle
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Earning God's Love

"While we were yet sinners", "for the unrighteous", "Father, forgive them"
There isn't a soul on this Earth that isn't precious to the Creator. Being loved by God is a demonstrated given. How God-like are you? Jesus spoke plainly when explaining how to recognize those who are His..."you will know them by their love". Loving God with all our heart, all our soul, all our that is success.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Full Time RV Living- Keeping Warm in the Winter
After doing a little experiment this week, and a tremendous amount of research, this is a summation. As Ustacud pointed out of course "skirting" or "underpinning" is valuable but not the complete eureka.
Much of the heat that is generated by heaters within an RV is lost through the windows. Some of the best ideas included putting weatherstripping around the edge of a piece of "Lexan" or plexi-glass and simply installing "mirror mounts" to make it easy to swivel them open...slide in the "storm window" and swivel them back. This would definitely help block some of the heat loss, (though I'm not sure whether it would be better on the outside or the inside of the camper). I'm also not sure how badly this would create or stimulate mold/mildew. Another idea was to use heat shrink film on the inside, applied with a hair was said that it did a great job and the only negative was it took a little elbow-grease and alcohol to get the sticky off the window when getting them ready to open for spring.
Another popular idea is stuffing the roof vents with insulation and an attractive "cover" could be made to snap onto the edges of the roof vent frame to hold the insulation in place and keep the place looking sharp.
Kerosene heaters widely used in Japan and in the olden days here have several problems that make me want to avoid them...
these must be refilled outside, which means on cold winter stretches a daily trek out into the ice and snow to refill it. Any unvented fuel burning source is going to "breathe" your oxygen supply and give you carbon monoxide in return...which attaches to your hemoglobin more readily than oxygen and leads to your time being spent in a much smaller, more bury-able box. Unvented fuel burning increases the moisture in your confined space thus leading to a great increase in mold/mildew issues The risk of fire Now there are more...and this doesn't count up the "pros" at all of which there are probably equally as many but the first 4 "cons" listed have too high a price tag for me to consider it further.
Catalytic heaters using propane I've heard good things about, though they do require periodic maintenance of the orifices and purging/cleaning out of your propane tank because what makes them so efficient...involves tiny little passages of propane that tend to clog.
Typically in a 30ft. travel trailer I have been able to get by "ok" by getting use to it being around 50 degrees instead of the 65-70 most houses are kept at. That isn't a hard adjustment. I remember in high mountain living as a boy when I would come in so very cold that to warm my hands up, the process began by running cold water out of the tap..which seemed so warm it was painful, then gradually adding warm water. Adapting is a feature God built into our design. That plus, wear a sweater or the nudism for warmer seasons. An electric blanket is in my book, as essential as food. I'd gladly live on pinto's and rice as long as it took to save the money for an electric blanket. I also use two 1500 watt space in each end of the camper with the middle partition closed (yes I could pull them both to the bedroom area but then the bathroom would be freezing and likely the plumbing as well).
So my experiment was this...if I fired up the central heating long would a propane tank (not the 20 pound BBQ size but the 30-35 pound (guestimation) last if I just set my thermostat on 65 and used both space heaters. The answer? A $22 fill-up on the first...ran empty during the night on the 5th. But there was one flaw in the of my ceramic heaters shorted out when i mistakenly left it set on high and THEN plugged it in, instead of it being off when i plugged it in. So this thwarted my experiment just a little. I left the central heating unit (thermostat controlled) "on" the entire time. And I don't have the skirting, I don't have the roof vents blocked, I don't have the storm windows...yet. So my heating cost was basically $5 a day.
I'm headed back to the propane place today to refill, and picking up an oil-filled radiator like heater, and picking up some insulation for the roof vents. Really have too many projects and other expenses right now to go for the underpinning and storm windows at this time...besides I have fleece "throws" covering the windows inside and really don't feel too much cold air coming in them...(though i do feel a significant amount of cold air transferred through the door...even though it seems water tight, it isn't air tight).
Campers have to be kept light weight so there isn't much chance of good R-value in the least economically speaking. Maybe some of that high dollar ceramic coating could be painted inside and out but the last time I bought some of that it was about $100 a gallon delivered. older brother reminded me that functionality and attractiveness of modifications shouldn't leave out the "oasis" appeal of warm tones, plants, etc...
This is the completion of my 5th month in this small space living and I absolutely love it. There are articles all over the internet on ideas and advice by "full-timers" from which I've gleaned a lot of wise advice of things to do and things not to do. This past week I've begun modifying the "office" area...removed one of those horridly uncomfortable kitchen booths and replaced it with an office chair. Made a sink cover to convert my double sink to a single whenever I need to double my counter space. (Without that panel I have a 12" wide counter I have 28).
So this week while I continue creating this awesome office work station, including hopefully adding some very pretty and moisture/temperature blocking curtains on this dumbly over sized window (functional by both temperature control and protecting my new lcd monitor-tv combo that should arrive this next week) and contributing to the beauty and enhancing the "oh wow it is so refreshing to walk in the door" feeling.
Unless it gets below 55 degrees in here, the new experiment involves moderate but not ridiculously frugal use of the central heat..mainly just to take the chill off in the mornings...and using the oil radiator heater and the 1500 watt fan forced heater. If things go smoothly I may even be able to find the curtains and mount them. (Yet since the decorating "theme" I'm looking for hasn't fully evolved in my mind yet so the curtain selection may be time consuming and head scratching).
The experiment was pretty valid for outside temperatures ranging from around 25 up to 45 because during the week I used no propane on the stove, and though i did try to use the hot water has some problems and is slated for modification to electric or outright replacement. So the propane expense was 96% central heating. (I even soap tested the fittings to make sure when I hooked it up there was no leaking around the tank fittings).
In the future hopefully I'll be able to buy a "lot" in a rural community that allows campers and have a large propane tank set so I can buy the whole winter's worth during the summer before the evil people jack the prices for winter. That plus the underpinning (and I'm considering enclosing a little extra boxed in area with that insulation board to use my 35000 btu free standing propane heater to actually "heat" the air under the camper)..but alas..time, money, money, money, time, eventually though...I do love these challenges.
I have vivid memories of my childhood toilet sitting time where much pondering was done...on how a person could live just fine in a space the size of the spacious bathroom we had. Minuscule space living has fascinated and attracted me as far back as I can remember. But this is my beginning year, and I'm loving it. Daylight is wasting so I'm off to the propane place, hopeful they are open, then on to pick up my replacement heater...and curtain shopping.
Much of the heat that is generated by heaters within an RV is lost through the windows. Some of the best ideas included putting weatherstripping around the edge of a piece of "Lexan" or plexi-glass and simply installing "mirror mounts" to make it easy to swivel them open...slide in the "storm window" and swivel them back. This would definitely help block some of the heat loss, (though I'm not sure whether it would be better on the outside or the inside of the camper). I'm also not sure how badly this would create or stimulate mold/mildew. Another idea was to use heat shrink film on the inside, applied with a hair was said that it did a great job and the only negative was it took a little elbow-grease and alcohol to get the sticky off the window when getting them ready to open for spring.
Another popular idea is stuffing the roof vents with insulation and an attractive "cover" could be made to snap onto the edges of the roof vent frame to hold the insulation in place and keep the place looking sharp.
Kerosene heaters widely used in Japan and in the olden days here have several problems that make me want to avoid them...
Catalytic heaters using propane I've heard good things about, though they do require periodic maintenance of the orifices and purging/cleaning out of your propane tank because what makes them so efficient...involves tiny little passages of propane that tend to clog.
Typically in a 30ft. travel trailer I have been able to get by "ok" by getting use to it being around 50 degrees instead of the 65-70 most houses are kept at. That isn't a hard adjustment. I remember in high mountain living as a boy when I would come in so very cold that to warm my hands up, the process began by running cold water out of the tap..which seemed so warm it was painful, then gradually adding warm water. Adapting is a feature God built into our design. That plus, wear a sweater or the nudism for warmer seasons. An electric blanket is in my book, as essential as food. I'd gladly live on pinto's and rice as long as it took to save the money for an electric blanket. I also use two 1500 watt space in each end of the camper with the middle partition closed (yes I could pull them both to the bedroom area but then the bathroom would be freezing and likely the plumbing as well).
So my experiment was this...if I fired up the central heating long would a propane tank (not the 20 pound BBQ size but the 30-35 pound (guestimation) last if I just set my thermostat on 65 and used both space heaters. The answer? A $22 fill-up on the first...ran empty during the night on the 5th. But there was one flaw in the of my ceramic heaters shorted out when i mistakenly left it set on high and THEN plugged it in, instead of it being off when i plugged it in. So this thwarted my experiment just a little. I left the central heating unit (thermostat controlled) "on" the entire time. And I don't have the skirting, I don't have the roof vents blocked, I don't have the storm windows...yet. So my heating cost was basically $5 a day.
I'm headed back to the propane place today to refill, and picking up an oil-filled radiator like heater, and picking up some insulation for the roof vents. Really have too many projects and other expenses right now to go for the underpinning and storm windows at this time...besides I have fleece "throws" covering the windows inside and really don't feel too much cold air coming in them...(though i do feel a significant amount of cold air transferred through the door...even though it seems water tight, it isn't air tight).
Campers have to be kept light weight so there isn't much chance of good R-value in the least economically speaking. Maybe some of that high dollar ceramic coating could be painted inside and out but the last time I bought some of that it was about $100 a gallon delivered. older brother reminded me that functionality and attractiveness of modifications shouldn't leave out the "oasis" appeal of warm tones, plants, etc...
This is the completion of my 5th month in this small space living and I absolutely love it. There are articles all over the internet on ideas and advice by "full-timers" from which I've gleaned a lot of wise advice of things to do and things not to do. This past week I've begun modifying the "office" area...removed one of those horridly uncomfortable kitchen booths and replaced it with an office chair. Made a sink cover to convert my double sink to a single whenever I need to double my counter space. (Without that panel I have a 12" wide counter I have 28).
So this week while I continue creating this awesome office work station, including hopefully adding some very pretty and moisture/temperature blocking curtains on this dumbly over sized window (functional by both temperature control and protecting my new lcd monitor-tv combo that should arrive this next week) and contributing to the beauty and enhancing the "oh wow it is so refreshing to walk in the door" feeling.
Unless it gets below 55 degrees in here, the new experiment involves moderate but not ridiculously frugal use of the central heat..mainly just to take the chill off in the mornings...and using the oil radiator heater and the 1500 watt fan forced heater. If things go smoothly I may even be able to find the curtains and mount them. (Yet since the decorating "theme" I'm looking for hasn't fully evolved in my mind yet so the curtain selection may be time consuming and head scratching).
The experiment was pretty valid for outside temperatures ranging from around 25 up to 45 because during the week I used no propane on the stove, and though i did try to use the hot water has some problems and is slated for modification to electric or outright replacement. So the propane expense was 96% central heating. (I even soap tested the fittings to make sure when I hooked it up there was no leaking around the tank fittings).
In the future hopefully I'll be able to buy a "lot" in a rural community that allows campers and have a large propane tank set so I can buy the whole winter's worth during the summer before the evil people jack the prices for winter. That plus the underpinning (and I'm considering enclosing a little extra boxed in area with that insulation board to use my 35000 btu free standing propane heater to actually "heat" the air under the camper)..but alas..time, money, money, money, time, eventually though...I do love these challenges.
I have vivid memories of my childhood toilet sitting time where much pondering was done...on how a person could live just fine in a space the size of the spacious bathroom we had. Minuscule space living has fascinated and attracted me as far back as I can remember. But this is my beginning year, and I'm loving it. Daylight is wasting so I'm off to the propane place, hopeful they are open, then on to pick up my replacement heater...and curtain shopping.
Full Time RV Living ....More Counter Space


The office modification pictures will have to wait. Oh yeah, I need to pick up some better contact paper for the sink panel today...the stuff I used was old that I had in storage and didn't stick well, though most contact paper these days stick-ability is maybe add some contact cement to my shopping list. Much to do.


The office modification pictures will have to wait. Oh yeah, I need to pick up some better contact paper for the sink panel today...the stuff I used was old that I had in storage and didn't stick well, though most contact paper these days stick-ability is maybe add some contact cement to my shopping list. Much to do.
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