Got a high enough score for the office management job with the state that they have sent my name to the hiring agency as an eligible candidate, thinking about the possible interview to result..thats what came to mind when I saw this picture Wolf sent me.
But do have an interview next week a few hours from here in a surveying entry level job. If I get selected the projected start date is June 1st. Turmoil here is, its a good job and only about 3 months of unemployment will be left by June 1st. But it is a big move, 3 hours away. This will cut into my time with little Grace Kelly, probably be once per month instead of twice...and 12 hours of that weekend will be driving. Yet the job is a good one, the pay is basically "livable" but that is it.
Yet there are jobs up in her area that are opening all the time, that managerial job is near her town, so maybe if I get offered the surveying job I'll "take it"..but if before the first of June the other one opens to me I'll "untake it" but then..brings us back to the picture..should I go for the job I know I could do and know would be interesting and less stressful for 400 a month less and a further drive...or take the one that will be a challenge and "stretch" myself to fit the one for 400 more and less driving time. Aim high, what can it hurt? LOL.
And after being out of work a mere 5 weeks the unemployment website tells me I should have my money by next Thursday. Seems they are kind of overwhelmed with applicants at the moment and when they sent the verification letter to my former employer, also government, nobody answered. LOL. Yeah, maybe I could handle the job.
So many decisions to make, so much to do between now and then, and still keep M-80 says though, just take this day today.
I'd go for the one that gives me the best experience/skills for future jobs.
That may be a less stressful one that I can develop skills on my own time (assuming resources aren't stretched too thin to concentrate) or the one that develops experience more applicable to a wider range of options.
I've always look at two criteria for jobs:
1. How interesting is it?
2. Is it a dead end/isolated track of employment within that particular system or does it train me/challenge me to develop skills I can take on the road
You have some other criteria that's important, just need to weight how important those criteria are and how the job rates then it's easy ;-)
Do it scientifically- flip a coin, then take the first one offered
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