Monday, August 04, 2008

A ruined vacation?

Just read a story that would appropriately fit into a folder called "Troubles".

Personally I believe that in many events in a persons life things happen "for a reason". This is what I remind myself of when things happen that make me just want to say "CRAP!" when a train is blocking the road when I'm really running late already, or when the car won't start, or a deal falls through.

Wish that I had a collection of all the times in my life something altered my path, and how hard or rough it made things for me but in the long run I was able to realize the blessing in it. Keep events like this in mind next time it just seems like a wash....

Man presumed dead in 1976 Colo. flood found alive

Sun Aug 3, 9:48 PM ET

A man believed to have died in a Colorado flood in 1976 has been found living in Oklahoma.

Sixty-three-year-old Darrell Johnson told the Fort Collins Coloradoan for a story Friday that he didn't know he had been counted among the 144 victims of the Big Thompson Canyon flood until a resident called him last year.

Barb Anderson said residents didn't want his name on a memorial plaque without proof he was dead.

Johnson and his family had decided to leave their shabby cabin the morning of the flood after just one night. A few hours later, the resort was washed away.

How Johnson ended up on the victims list remains a mystery.

He now directs funerals in Oklahoma City and acknowledges he was lucky to get the bad cabin.


Information from: Fort Collins Coloradoan,

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