Saturday, July 28, 2007

captured the thoughts for the day

"Just take a few weeks off."
"yeah that would be really good, but...can't afford to take a few weeks off just yet...those are weeks without, that puts a strain on the resources the company has for handling substitution....which in turns puts pressure on my coworkers cause they can't get relief or off and they may really have needed it for something traumatic. "


Marbella said...

as someone near and dear to us all use to say, "such is life". The Alien would love to take some time off but encounters similar problems.

GEM said...

Our American work ethic does not allow us to take off for more than a week at a time. We are so entwined in what will happen that we hurt ourselves thinking of others. I am coming to the realization that its about time that I look after ME, ME, ME. The job will still be there after I am long gone. Heck, I can always be a greeter at Walmart.

emc said...

Perhaps my perspective is a bit jaded (ya think?!) but if I could get employees not to take leave because they thought it would impact other employees rather than noticing I had spread resources so thin to maximize my profits; perhaps I could also start cutting their pay because people's benefits were in jeopardy. Man, the board would think I was a golden CEO.

Unless them pesky employees started taking leave anyway and pointing out my house of cards. Or them annoying Unions got involved and digging into where funds were actually allocated.

I'm glad GEM is snapping to the fact that work-ethic works two ways; it's not just the worker's integrity, but the integrity of the company to meet them halfway ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with K on this one. I have come to believe if a company is running their resources so low that they can not support an employee taking a couple days off then the management is probably either greedy or incompitently managing things or the company is failing.

In any event, unless there is some special circumstances at play I say ditch the guilt, you can find enough other stuff to feel guilty over... Now the missing money part can be a deal breaker!