Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nappy Headed Ho?

Sounds like an immature insulting. Ever since the now "has-been" Imus uttered that (title of this blog) and got fired for it...people have been trying to be cute saying it everywhere else. I heard it in Chicago Tuesday, and I heard it in Dallas Wednesday. Both times I asked the speaker "Why would you want to repeat something that got a guy fired when he said it, cost people jobs, hurt peoples feelings? What is the point of it? It is not a KIND thing to say, and our good Lord wants us to be KIND one to another and that is not KIND." Usually that met with an arrogant reply but they did seem to stop saying it so...thats fine.

There is still a big segment of our country made up of kind people, thankfully. But them bad apples sure do spoil the pie.

The mass murdering in Virginia has also taken place since I've been away, and all kinds of people suggesting more laws need to be passed? People , there are already laws covering that...more laws are not the answer. Gun Control does have an interesting involvement in it though...because if there wasn't so much gun control, maybe some of the students/faculty would have been armed and the death toll would have been much lower. Maybe we need to cut back the involvement of our culture with graphic people killing people video games. To focus on the gun is to miss the picture completely, focus on the building blocks of what broke this kid so far away from the nature God intended for him? where he allowed himself hatred instead of love, where it was accepted in his mind to do something so appalling.

It amazes my brother wolf, that people will buy the bottled water...he said he looked at some one time that said right on it...from "municipal water supply" of some town, its tap water man, its %!@#%!* tap water.

I told him he oughta open a barbque/grilling biz , he's good at it and seems to enjoy it....we got from there over to fried Rabbit and working a way for it to be legal to sell fried rabbit. I suggested a booth at major flea markets around the country in the good weather season, like at Canton, TX. or the major events like the car show in carlisle pa, or any large crowed stadium area....

He suggested a business where the kids could pet the baby rabbits that were being fed and raised for slaughter...while the parents go to another part of the business to buy the grilled rabbit for food, while another part of the business was a shooting gallery where you charged people to shoot the rabbits that you would then process and grill.

Good idea Wolf, maybe we should do that with Chickens.


Marbella said...

The depths of peoples' minds never cease to overwhelm me. Excellent article.

emc said...

Something like this maybe?